Ten: One Wish

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Days went by, turning into weeks. Every so often he lingered outside her door to see how she was doing and also hoping to be noticed by her. He befriended a male nurse who tended her and they exchanged numbers so that he can be informed on her health without her mother finding out.

This exchange was especially important since he had been participating in more games. In recent times he visited America after being invited by people who worked in the field of the sport. It meant he got to visit the hospital less and his desperation to be close to Jinah only grew stronger.

Jinah's surgeries doubled ever since her fainting in the amusement park. She lost more hair and grew weaker. Her body always laid on her bed, deprived from strength to be able to walk or sit up with ease. 

In the past, the idea of being bedridden didn't seem so frightening but now that it had finally become a reality, she didn't share the same opinion any longer. In fact, many of her thoughts and ideas had changed. 

"I want to live, mother," she said.

I want to live to see another day. I want to live to dream again. . .to be with him.

Her mother had a small smile on her face and she caressed her hollow cheeks.

"I want you to survive through all of this too," she replied, "You can and you will."

Her mother squeezed her hand. 

"Mother," Jinah began, "I have one wish."

The older woman's eyes lit up. "What is it? I will grant it straight away."

"I want to talk to him, even if it is just for five minutes, mother. Please."

She pulled her hand away and her smile faltered. She didn't want that boy back in her daughter's life after he caused her to be like this. However, at this point the last thing she wanted to do was upset her. Her daughter had always been a quiet person but her negative mood had been very noticeable ever since that boy had stepped out of her life.

"Sure," she replied, reluctantly.

The next day, he arrived in front of her door. He rubbed his sweaty palms on his jeans for about the hundredth time due to how anxious and excited he felt. He never thought that the day would ever come. When he received a call from Jinah's mum before going to sleep the night before, he fell off his bed from the extent of shock and excitement that surged through his mind.

The door slid open and the male nurse came out. They exchanged knowing smiles with one another before he gestured Hoseok to go in.

"She's been nervous all morning to meet you," he whispered.

I've been even more anxious.

When he walked in, his ears were entertained by the steady rhythm of her heart monitor machine. She was facing away from him, looking out of the full length window that oversaw a beautiful view of the city.

He eyed her as he took small steps around her king-sized bed that looked way more comfortable than his own. The sight of the place she was in made him feel much more at ease. The VIP room was better than the normal ones, by a mile. The walls were decorated with abstract painting with a plasma screen mounted across from her to keep her entertained. It felt more like a hotel than a hospital room.

She finally looked at him as he sat on the thick cushioned chair besides her bed. A smile crept upon her pale face. Hoseok couldn't help but smile back.

"Hey there, stranger," she said.

He chuckled. "How have you been?"

He tried to ignore his heart hammering against his chest, and he swallowed nervously as if that was going to calm himself.

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