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Song= Issues: Julia Michael

A new man sat next to my mom at the breakfast table. I hadn't noticed that she had snuck in someone last night, until I had to put in my ear plugs, but I was so certain that he would be gone when I woke up, but he was sitting at the table, directly in front of me.

"Goodmorning, I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you last night, but your mother told me since I already ate dinner I should just wait upstairs till she was done. She said I could meet you in the morning."

He was here when I got home? My mom basically locked him in her bedroom while we were eating tacos. Had he heard everything we were talking about? I wanted to continue to ask my mom about my dad, but I didn't want to push my luck and I didn't want to ask with this man in the house. No outsiders needed to be brought into My mom and I's issues. He wouldn't be around for long anyways. Although it was peculiar that he was here in the first place.

My mom rarely had anyone stay the whole night. It's only happened a couple times, but they at least looked like they were prepared to leave. They would have their shirt neatly tucked into a pair of pants, and their shoes on. They would have already ate and have already started to head out the door. On the off chance that they saw me they would say it was nice to see me and hoped to meet me again soon, but that never happened. I would never see those men again.

This man was sitting down wearing a baggy t-shirt and a pair of plaid-elastic band-pants. He was wearing his pajamas! He was casually eating a bowl of cereal. I looked under the table and saw he wasn't wearing any shoes, only socks.

"I'm sorry, I never introduced myself." He stuck his hand out "Cliff." I shook his hand, and he stared at me, waiting for me to say my name back, but I didn't. I never told them my name, so why should I start now?

"Amelia, come on, that isn't the way to act around a guest."

"A guest?"

"Isn't that what I am?" The man asked, humor lacing through his words.

"Yes, a guest," My mom answered as she sat next to him at the table and placed a plate of eggs in front of me and herself. I knew she didn't make these. So I stared at the man. He made us breakfast? This was all very strange.

"Your mom told me you liked eggs, so I decided to make some for the both of you."

"You didn't want any?"

"I'm more of a plain cereal kind of guy." He took another scoop of cereal. "You can eat them, I didn't poison them." He pointed to the eggs. It was like he could read my thoughts. I took a hesitant bite and they weren't that bad. He just continued to smile, it was irking me.

"Why are you here?"

"Amelia!" My mom protested.

He held his hand up and looked at her. "It's fine." He turned back to me. "I just invited your mom to the pack house for the meeting of the new luna."

I looked right at my mom. This meant that she now knew I was no longer with the Alpha. I searched her expression for one of disappointment, but she didn't. She wasn't looking at me. She just carried her plate back to the kitchen.

So maybe that's why this guy was here. He was an escort to the party. I felt like I finally solved a puzzle that I had been working on for a while.

"Isn't that nice of him." my mom kissed him on the cheek as she sat back down at the table. It was all an act. Everything made sense now.

"Absolutely. So back to the meeting of the luna. Is that tonight?"

"Yep," he said. So that meant that after tonight I wouldn't be seeing this Cliff person for much longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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