The Ball

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{Mature content warning ahead}

"I think we are ready to go." My mom didn't say anything to me about the noises coming from her room the night before. The man wasn't at breakfast, like I expected. He probably left in the middle of the night, not because he wanted to leave, but because my mom kicked him out. He must have not had enough money for her. She could stare at a man's wallet and feel nothing, or love at first sight. I stopped trying to question her a long time ago. So we had eaten breakfast in silence, just like we were now for dinner, if that's what you could call it: Lettuce and water.

"Don't eat too fast you could start to choke." She gave me a look up and down. "You look starved. I think you should eat some more salad before you go. "

"Okay" I took another scoop full, the taste very bland because of our house 'no salad dressing' rule, she never bought any because she said it was too fattening. Taking this next spoonful of leaves made me look down at my stomach in shame. Claire's was smaller. Finishing it up anyways I took my last gulp of water and placed it down on the table.

"Now you are going to go get dressed. I will do your hair and makeup."

Not saying a word I nodded my head. I might not have shown it on my face, but I was nervous. The last party Drake had I was so excited just to see him, now I was still excited, but I knew he didn't feel the same way. That wasn't going to stop me though.

Once I took my shower and got into my dress and strapped on my shoes I sat down at a swivel chair that my mom had propped in front of a mirror. She came strolling into the room shortly after, taking her curling iron out of her huge makeup bag and putting my hair in waves. Then putting dark eyeliner on me and black eyeshadow, making my blue eyes look more vivid.

My mom was already dressed before dinner with her hair straightened. And her little red dress pulled up enough to almost be able see her thong line.

"You look so sexy! Okay, get in the car, we can't be late." I know my mom was excited about me and the alpha, but she was also excited to find another man to sleep in her bed, and I wasn't going to try and hold her back.

After parking she jumped out right away, and almost didn't wait for me to get out before locking the door. My friends told me they would take me, but my mom persisted that I went with her, so I agreed that she could take me, I would just see my friends at the party anyways. Getting out of the car I didn't see the mansion anywhere in sight. "Mom, where are we?"

"Well, I realized that coming with my daughter would make me look too old, and I don't want anyone to see me enter with you. You understand, right?" She didn't look at me as she fixed her red lipstick in her hand-held mirror that she kept in her purse. She didn't wait for an answer and started walking through the forest. And there was such a bright light coming through the trees I knew it was the mansion, only werewolf could see that far away. I should have realized she would do this. Who would want to be seen with the likings of me?

Setting my phone's alarm for five minutes I waited out the time till I heard the familiar beeping of my phone. Time was up, I slipped my phone back into my bra, making sure it didn't look noticeable then walked in the direction of the party.

Trying to navigate my way through the trees without snagging my dress on a branch was a little difficult, but I got out without a scratch and headed to the huge doors. Two guards opened the door for me, without asking my name. I have been here enough times for them to recognize me.

The room was cleared out from the couch and some tables making a huge dance floor. This is a ball to celebrate the Alpha's birthday, he turned of 18 last month, but the party was set for today. It was going to be the most popular one of the year, the whole pack was suppose to be here, except some of the Warriors were going to be watching around the pack for rogues. So they wouldn't be attending.

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