Slow Driving

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Hillary was never my true friend. And it took me till now to figure it out. I thought back to when our parents first introduced us to each other and how Hillary barely talked to me until I told her that I was dating the Alpha. That's when she actually invited me to her house.

I remember her telling me that she just bought the new Avengers movie that was released and was wondering if I wanted to have a movie night; I agreed. Sidney couldn't go because according to Hillary she was babysitting her brother while her parents went to work. I don't know if that is true now, maybe she wanted to just hang out with me.

It was the most fun I had ever had with a girl friend. She decided to make caramel and chocolate covered popcorn. I told her that my mom wouldn't approve, but she shoved it in my mouth anyways. We finished eating the whole bowl together. I ate most of it though. When it was over we talked about the movie for a little bit before she brought up the Alpha.

If I try to remember every conversation that I had with her, there wasn't one that didn't have her bringing up the Alpha. The questions would always be something like this: "The Alpha looked good while training the pups today, right?" "So can you remind me again how you and the Alpha met?""How did you know the Alpha was into you?"

That last question got asked the most. I never took it the wrong way when she asked, but now that she hated me I couldn't help but look at in a different light. Every time she asked she could have been figuring how someone like me could get with him, because if I could then anyone could. More importantly, she could. Her and the Alpha together made me want to bury myself under my covers and never come out. Two of the people that I thought loved me had shunned me. I didn't know where Sidney and I stood, but we were also slowly falling apart. I started to feel like there was no one, but there was, and his name is Nash.

Nash, the only person that seemed to care about me, but I barely knew him. Once he got to know me he would start to leave like everyone else. It would be better if he left sooner than later. I don't want my heart to be broken twice.


"Amelia, come on out of your room." My moms fist furiously pounded on the door. "I let you stay home from school yesterday, but you have to go today."

I told my mom that I was sick yesterday, and by how puffy my eyes were and my red nose she believed me. She said I looked like I was run over by a bug driving a truck. I don't know what that meant, but it made me laugh. She said it in her most serious voice, which made it even better. Sometimes she could be funny in a cruel way, I counted them as her good moments.

So in her own way I felt that she was someone else that cared about me.

I got out of bed and unlocked my door so she could come in. If I wasn't standing behind the door she would have probably pushed me to the side as she entered. She headed for my closet and stood in front of it before grabbing a hanger with a light blue sun dress hanging on it and threw it at my chest. "That one will have to do."

She looked at my face longer than usual before telling me that I should put on more makeup under my eyes. Her old ways following her as she left the room.

I had not told her that the Alpha had broke up with me, and was actually surprised that she had not heard about it yet. She didn't hear about that news or me becoming the 'Pack Slut.' She was bound to hear about it sometime soon. I tried to think how she would act to either of the news, but imagined she would be upset more about the first one. All I knew was I wasn't going to be the one that told her.

I walked down stairs, my mom handed me a glass of water with a banana. I ate it fast before driving to school. I started to go to Hillary's house, but when I reached her house I drove right by. I don't know why would I want to pick up someone that hated me, but it was on instinct that I went to her house. Kind of like a ritual I would do every morning. Luckily she wasn't there to see my car drive by. Her car was gone from her driveway.

She had her own car, but I still was the one who drove her to school with Sidney. We liked to show up to school together, but that clearly wasn't going to happen anymore. She probably picked up Sidney too. So I drove to school by myself.

My spot was taken by Hillary's car, as I expected, so I took the next open spot in the very back of the parking lot. I walked into my first period class early. Not needing to meet with anyone in the hallways beforehand. I actually took the long way to class just to avoid the spot where my friends and I use to hang out.

My seat was taken. Claire was back at school and sitting in the seat that I was at just two days ago. She was the only student in the classroom. I don't know what I was thinking taking the spot that was right next to her, but I did. It wasn't the spot that Drake was sitting at, it was the one that was right next to the window. It was the spot where a girl with bright blonde hair would usually sit.

I wasn't the only one that was surprised by my seat choice. Claire glanced at me once, looked down at her phone, and back at me. I stared right back, before she said, "If you're looking for the Alpha he isn't here."

"Where is he?" I kind of cared, and didn't. I was just surprised that she was talking to me and didn't say something cruel.

"Bitch, wouldn't you like to know." She rolled her eyes. I thought too soon, but then she spoke up again. "Chained up to the supply cabinet in the Janitor's closet." My eyes widened. She hooked up the Alpha in the supply closet. I couldn't get the image out of head as I imagined how she could have possibly done that. I put my hands over my mouth to cover up my laugh as I looked away from her blazing eyes.

I didn't respond back, and she went back to her phone.

The class started, and the teacher gave us each a worksheet and a textbook to find the answers with. I opened the textbook up and then layed my head down on it. My eyes were only shut for a little bit as a loud growl surrounding the classroom.

I lifted my head up and saw Drake standing in the doorway with a handcuff dangling from his wrist. Underneath the cuff his skin was bright red showing that it was burning him. The cuff was made of silver. I wondered how Claire put that on him, but as I looked at her I noticed one of her was bright red on the inside, but was slowly getting lighter with her fast healing abilities.

The growl was louder this time as Drake took threatening steps towards me. I had a flashback of me holding on to his bedpost and was overcome with fear. My lungs expanded with relief when he walked past me to Claire.

I turned my seat as I watched her hold the Alpha's gaze and didn't once look away.

He held up his wrist that was handcuffed up to her face. "What was this for."

"You were annoying me. Maybe I wouldn't have chained you up if you could just learn how to keep it in your pants." Everyone knew what she meant, but I was the only one to break the silence when I snickered. Knowing full well that he tried to make out with her in the closet, but she didn't let it happen. I had never turned him down, and the fact that she did made me happy.

Drake's eyes were now on mine. "You think this is funny? You know what I think is hilarious? Finding you sleeping with my Beta in my bedroom. You are a loud whore, you know that?"

He knew that he was starting to get embarrassed by what his mate was saying, so he used me as someone to divert the attention to. Trying to embarrass me in front of the class for something I didn't do.

The pieces connected in my head. Drake told Hillary that he walked in on Bronny and me in his bedroom. He was the one that started the lie. I had been trying to convince myself that it wasn't him, even though all the evidence said otherwise. My brain screaming that he never cared about me, that he only ever cared about himself. He was doing that right now to protect himself from being laughed at.

I didn't say anything back, my words would just be used against me. Instead I got up from my seat as the whispers started. This time I was the first to leave the classroom.

I reached 100 reads! Yay!! So this chapter was unplanned, but I like the way it turned out so you might be able to like Claire a little more. Claire I made to be like the main character in any werewolf book that has an Alpha mate, but slut-shames the girl that he used to be with. We always loved the Main character for her bad ass ways, but I like how now we see her from another characters point of view.

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