Food Love

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"Did he ask you to the ball?"

My friends and I all met up at the bathroom to meet up and fix our hair and makeup before going to lunch. Now we were walking into the noisy cafeteria. The cafeteria was one of my least favorite places, if it weren't for Drake I don't know if I would walk in at all. I would never admit that to anyone. I would rather be taken to a janitor's closet by Drake and have him whisper in my ear that I was beautiful. Just him and me.

"He hasn't asked yet, but he told me to meet him after school. So he could ask me something," I lied. He never asked me to meet him, he actually stopped talking to me once the girl showed up in the classroom.

"We know he will!" My friends squealed. "We should start picking outfits out early, you will be the center of attention."

I nodded my head. The truth was when the bell rang the Alpha got up, forgetting that I was sitting on his lap, and chased after the new girl. Leaving me on the ground. I was the last out of the classroom. Trying not to think about it I walked through the lunch line and picked up a salad. My mom's nagging in my head forced me to reach for the green instead of the pizza.

My friends did the same.

"Look!" Hillary pointed at something making me turn. "He keeps looking at you, you should go over to him by yourself, maybe he is planning to ask you earlier."

I looked at his direction just as he stared down at his plate."Why are you just sitting there! Go work your stuff. Someone clearly wants you to sit with them! His eyes keep looking over here like some love struck fool." My heart skipped a beat as I walked over to him, sitting on his lap without saying a word, and placed my tray directly next to his.

I could feel lips kissing up my neck until they reached mine, and I furiously kissed back, but there was something strange about this kiss. He wasn't responding like he usually would. Partially opening my eyes I saw that his were wide open. Focusing on something behind my head.

Releasing the hold on his hair. I turned my head back around to face forward, and saw not what, but who he was staring at. He was never staring at me like my friends said. He was looking past my friends to the table behind them. The one where the new girl sat. He was trying to make her jealous. By the way that she made another disgusted face, I knew it wasn't working. But as she looked down I saw her eyes start to fill up with tears.

She got up from her table and left the cafeteria.

He sat up and made me fall onto the floor. It seemed to be his natural reaction when she was walking away from him. He followed her out the doors.

My friends walked up to me and took their normal seats at the table. Sidney asked, "What happened? And where are you going?"

"I'll be right back." I followed my boyfriend out the cafeteria doors, curiosity taking over as my nose helped me follow his scent. Stopping as there was a loud scream. I pressed my back against a locker

"You can't tell me who not to hang out with." The girl yelled, her breathing coming out in small breaths.

"You're mine!" That voice made me shudder.

"Oh, so what was that in the cafeteria? That slut was all over you! And you didn't try to push her off!"

"I've been telling her our relationship was done for a long time now. I told her if was a quick bang and we were done. She is just power hungry. You can forget all about that bitch. I only have eyes for you."

Reaching up to my eyes a wet substance fell onto my lips, making me need to lightly pat below my eyes, to remove it so it wouldn't ruin my makeup. My mom said tears showed weakness, and only ugly girls cried.

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