Chapter #13- Back to Little West... Or nah.

Start from the beginning

My body seems like it is floating, lifeless, in the vaccum of darkness and these phrases keep on hitting my ear drums, each pain filled. As if the person saying them was choking.

"Please wake up"

"I am so sorry"

Thing is, I am not sure if I had heard them before. The voice too is barely recognizable.

As I try to concentrate on the voice, visions start to flash in front of my eyes.

Each lasting for a milisecond, but each being embedded in my brain, thanks to werewolf senses.


Alpha Ulysses freezing after punching me.

Teague shouting in the background with fear in his eyes. Eyes that are yellow. Ruin's.

Mel picking me up in her arms.

Me lying on Teague's bed.

Alpha Ulysses sitting at the corner of Teague's bed.

Alpha Ulysses talking to my sleeping form.

Alpha Ulysses leaning in towards my sleeping form.

Teague barging into his room. His clothes torn.

Teague shouting.

Teague tackling Alpha Ulysses.

Mel breaking their fight by saying something.

Teague leaving the room with a bang.

Alpha Ulysses leaving.

Mel leaving.

And lastly, Alpha Ulysses' face as he comes back to the door Teague's room.

A face so crestfallen, so overwhelmed with guilt and sadness that for a moment I am shaken to the core.

"Please wake up"

"I am so sorry, Sugar"


[A/N: I've decided that I am going to add extra POVs and not just stick with Del's. Each character in this book has a story... and well... let's explore it, yeah?!]


"What do you mean?" I keep my voice neutral and fight an internal battle with Ruin who is throwing a fit at not having Delilah near.

"I teleported her half an hour ago" Mel, the fucked up skinny Witch, shrugs as if it is no big deal to teleport a human, or a werewolf to another country.

"Where?" I ask curtly, hoping against odds that she didn't teleport Del to-

"Little West" she grins and I can feel Ruin's wrath as if my own.

"You are kidding, right?" I ask calmly, aware that somehow I am able to co-command my body with Ruin.

He roars in my head.

"I kid you not! I was able to telelort her all the way to America!" Mel says with high spirits and I clench my fists to stop myself from punching some sense into her.

"Are you fucking retarded?! You sent her to Little fucking West?! Did you forget that she is not fucking safe there?! That asshole for a Mate of hers is fucking unstable! And you fucking teleported her there? To fucking work for him?!" I snap and see her flinch.

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