Chapter #9- The inauguration.

Depuis le début

She's forgiven.


I dig in and she sighs in relief.

"You should watch your back too... just in case" I say with a mouthful of chocolate chip goodness, just to mess wuth her. It's a bonus to see her visibly stiffen.

Damn. How I love being the one people fear...


"It's my car, and I am driving" Teague argues with Mel and she scowls.

"If that's the case, then I'll just teleport myself there, because no way in hell you are driving! My Granny drives better than you and she is as old as dinosaurs" Mel snorts.

"Are you kidding me? The last time you drove, we had to bewitch three police men to avoid jail. And that is me forgetting about that teen couple you almost killed!" He reminds her.

"Are you kidding me? It was their fucking fault that they got horny in the middle of the road! Smooching like it was the end of the fucking world. They should've been thankful that it was just me driving and because of my excelllent driving skills they are still alive" Teague looks thoughtful and taking advantage of his momentary distraction, Mel snatches the Porsche keys from his hand.

"Hey!" He cries and I snap my fingers and place my hand, palm up in front of Mel.


"That so called 'should be thankful to me for saving their lives teenage couple' were making out on the footpath" I deadpan and Mel colours dark red, before dropping the keys on my outstretched palm with a huff.

I open the driver's side door and get in and just as I expected the two of them are now arguing about who gets to sit shotgun.

"Get in the back, Mel" I call out and she gives me a betrayed look, but I wink at her.

She gets the message and gets in the back seat and Teague, looking as triumphant as ever, starts getting in the front seat.

"I knew you loved me more!" He says as he sits down and as expected by his 6'4 self, his head hits the roof of the car, making the packet of gooey slime tear and leak down on him.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" he turns red and gives me the deadliest glare possible, but because of the slime covering him, I can't help but laugh.

Mel is having the laugh of the century at the back seat, rolling on the seat and kicking the back of Teague's seat and slapping the leather like a retarded seal.

Seeing her, I laugh even more.

Teague opens the passenger side door and attempts to get out.

Key word- attempts.

I had put superglue on his seat, so now he is stuck.

This triggers Mel even more and her laughter has no bounds.

I smile evilly at a red-and green-faced Teague and he starts breathing through his nose, indicating that his beast is pissed too.

This scares Sel in me, who never surfaces in front of Teague, but I am chilled out, aware of the fact that Ruin, Teague's beast, adores me.

"Shut the door Teague" I order once I realize we are getting late.

"But I need to-"

"Shut the fucking door!"


"Fine!" I snap and start driving.

Beacause he is a man, he is basically married to his car, he immediately shuts the door, seeing that I am not kidding, as we make our way out of the parking lot.

Hey, Mate! (Cursed Mates #1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant