Chapter #7- Meet Teague and Melria..... and Mrs. Anderson.

Start from the beginning


The guy has saved me so many times that I've lost count by now. How I'll ever be able to repay him is a mystery.

He is a 6"4 tall, 250 pounds, 28 year old weretiger.

Yes, you read that right.

He's a tiger shifter.

Considering the fact that tigers are territorial and love to live alone, him allowing Mel and I in his personal territory is a miracle for the supernatural world in itself.

He calls himself an anomaly, seeing that unlike other shifters and their crave to produce pups as soon as they can, he doesn't feel too obligated to do that.

He may call himself an anomaly, but to me, he is fucking perfect.

Plus, he's not bad on the eye too!

With those black curls with hues of orange and white, resembling his beast, and those deep brown eyes that turn yellow when his emotions are intense, and jaw line so sharp that you might just cut your fingers if you trace it, he sure is a looker.

Don't take my word for it and ask all those girls, who even after knowing that they are nothing but notches on his bedpost, still sleep with him.

"If you are done appreciating the view, get to the table" he says without looking.

If it were anyother man who'd said that to me, I would colour an ugly shade of scarlett with either embarrassment or rage, but since it's Teague, my Knight in Shining Armour, so I say, "Why the hell are you so sexy?"

"Not my fault, babe. Now come!" He laughs it off and I go and sit on the seat to his left, on the large, mahogany, hand carved, dining table.

I trace his jawline with my index finger and he stiffens.

"Still no sparks?" Mel sashays in and sighs at the sight of us.

"None" Teague and I say in sync.

"I wish I could do something for you guys... but there are no spells for it" she sits down on the seat at Teague's right.

"Well... I don't even understand why the hell we even try, I mean it's clear to my beast that you see him as nothing but a savior and Sel is scared as fuck of him, and honest to red-meat, I only see you as a sister, so just because of a stupid curse, why are we wasting our time?"

I know he is disappointed and the curse is bothering him more than any of us, but I can't help him. I wish I could... but I can't. 

Fate sure loves to play games with us.

We don't speak after that and eat our dinner.


"What's for desert?" Teague pops his head in the kitchen as I am icing the cake.

"Nobody is getting a lick till Mrs. Anderson comes" I warn and before he can argue, Mel sheilds the kitchen door, restricting his entry.

We high-five and she goes back to figuring out how to use gmail.

It sure is fun watching her battle with technology.


I still need to introduce her to you, right?

Well... where do I begin?

Melria Winston is a 5"2 witch, with pure witch blood, and though she is 79 years old, thanks to super natural aging, she looks like she is in her mid-twenties.

She had been casted out by her coven, after she came out and confessed to them about her bisexuality.

She found Teague and I, 7 years ago in an alley in London and considering the circumstances we met in, and what we've been through together, we are tight, the three of us.

Her alabaster skin, blonde hair and green eyes had first made me believe she was a fae, and she later fessed up of being a love child of a fae and a witch.

And about her beauty, well the guys and girls that stop on the road just to check her out are saying enough, I'd say.

"Hey, how do you change the theme again?" She asks and I grin before wiping my hand on the apron and getting by her side to help her out.

:) (:

Just when I am done setting the coffee table with the red velvet cakes, the door bell chimes and Mel and I turn towards Teague.

I can smell a female tiger's scent, so I know it's his Mom.

He sticks his tongue out at us, and stops pouting and runs out of the living room to go and open the door.
He walks in the room with a lady who is wearing a red skin-tight dress and killer heels, with her hair set up and her face made up like a doll, though the makeup doesn't seem extreme to me.

"She's your mother?!" It's Mel who asks this and I am glad for once that I could control my tongue.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?" He frowns and plops down on one of the chair.

"But she is Lavania Anderson. Supermodel Lavania Anderson!" When Mel points it out, I realize that she does look familiar

Of course, Mel has a poster of her!

She's a knock out.

No wonder where Teague got his looks from.

"And?" Teague asks with mouthful of cake and I give him a disgusted glare.

He grins wolfish-ly, or should I say tigerish-ly?, and opens his mouth again for another mouthful.

"This is so good" he moans and his mum slaps the back of his head.

"Is that what I've thought you Graham Teague Anderson?"

Wow! She just full-named Teague! Hats off to her!

Nobody full-names Teague. Nobody who loves his body with all its 206 bones intact, at least.

"You must be Melria and Delilah! I am Lavania! Teague's mom!" She chimes and engulfs Mel in a hug. Mel must be on cloud 9!

"Call me Mel" Mel says, still starstruck.
I extend a hand towards Lavania, but she pulls me in for a hug too, surprising me. Like I mentioned before, tigers are very peculiar about their personal space and who they associate with.

"Wait" She frowns at me.

"Uh...." What did I do now?

"You smell wrong" She scrunches her nose and I raise an eyebrow.

"For Meat's sake Mom-" Teague is cut off by her statement that catches us all off-guard.

"Your smell doesn't matches the wolf's that I just smelt outside the door"


So.... who do you think Teague's Ma smelled outside?

Any guesses? Lemme know via Comments!

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