Scroll 42: His Prisoner, Azami

Start from the beginning

"Furfur, Vepar, Valefor, Focalor, Crocell, Zepar and Baal!"

'Shit! This is bad! We have to do something or they'll take control of this Sacred Palace!' Ronove yelled in desperation. Azami quickly jumped into the scene and used wind magic to blow them away.

"Azami!" David roared. She glared and used another one but Sinbad's djinns put a protective barrier on them. Baal stepped forward and spoke.

"King Solomon abandoned destiny! That way, we cannot see the future of the world anymore. Truthfully, all living beings need an omniscient, absolute being. Nobody but Sinbad can do that! No offense to you, Azami." Baal apologized. Azami scoffed but accepted his apology nonetheless. Unfortunately, what they said about Solomon angered her. Ugo teared up at his tone and denied every single one of their accusations about the Alma Torran King.

"Baal. Are you sure that Solomon even wanted to be king!? No! He didn't! He was forced to. We tried to coax him. Even Sheba! I saw her eyes, during that flashback. It hurt." Her eyes burned with determination. Sinbad laughed at her and clutched her wrist.

"Solomon is irresponsible. He could have said no."

"He couldn't! H-He—" She stopped when she saw Ugo crying.

"Don't s-say that... It's not that Solomon wanted to be king... Everyone wanted him to be king... Why are you saying this now?" She felt pity at the poor guardian. Sinbad dropped her and the rukh around them fluttered. Suddenly, Solomon's rukh appeared before him.

"Rest, Ugo. You did a good job. I'm tired too. I didn't want to become king. Let's read a book peacefully and leave everything to Sinbad. You can join us too, Azami."

"No... That's not the Solomon I know! Stop it! Don't go, Ugo!" David used his staff to let the giant rest. Azami cried for her friend who was about to vanish. She growled and slapped Sinbad and kicked David.

"You monsters! Halphas Rasas!" Collective gusts threw them off their ways and hit the books stocked around the room. She manipulated the wind and made them into a blade which pierced David's shoulders. That did not stop there. She changed to a dual form with Furcas and Sitri.

"Azalea Ultimatum!" Shadows hovered them and smashed them. Blood poured out of David but Sinbad's rukh just disseminated into pieces before returning to its normal form. Tears were evident in her eyes. Sinbad materialized into his human form before using Crocell to stop her.

"You should stop this. This is absurd, Azami!" She did not listen to a word he uttered and just attacked out of nowhere. She stopped and returned to her normal form.

"I hate you. I hate you."

She called out her djinns. Furcas appeared in a menacing manner while Sitri and Stolas rose with tentacles of light around them. Suddenly, the floor shattered and Ipos, Ronove and Halphas appeared.

"You aren't that satisfied, stupid Sinbad?" Furcas asked. Sinbad returned to his normal form and Crocell glared at the dark djinn. It was Furcas versus Crocell, Sitri and Focalor, Ipos and Vepar, Stolas and Furfur, Ronove and Zepar, Halphas and Valefor. Baal and Sinbad teamed up together to defeat Azami since she was a magician herself. She growled and attacked him. With every hit, she put all of her emotions to it. Sinbad smirked and used Baal's sword to cut her arm. Blood poured out and her eyes widened at the amount. It stung a lot so she slid her staff and hit his abdomen. It bruised and Sinbad threw up blood. It was Azami's time to smirk. He growled and sped up before Azami could even call it an attack.

"GAH!" She hit her head on the floor and she winced at the touch of her hand when she examined the wound at the back of her head. Sinbad used his magic.

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