Ch 1: The Truth Comes Out

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"Hai! I shall do my very best and make sure it is finished by 8!"

"One more thing, Mogami...I really appreciate this. I can't think of anyone else who would be willing to do such a thing for me, especially right after a shoot and during the wrap party, and certainly not happily. You really are something, you know that? I'm very grateful. I shall see you at 8!" *click*

"You really are really are really are something..." Kyoko grins from ear to ear, Tsugura-san's compliment echoing endlessly in her mind until she's back on set.

Kyoko spends the rest of her day between her last scenes in a happy daze, mulling over which dishes to cook for Tsugura-san that he would like and give him energy and confidence for whatever role he would be playing next. She also wonders what on earth he had to go out of town for to get her for Christmas/birthday/end-of-show celebration. The thought makes her grin and blush. After all, only Moko-chan had given her both a Christmas gift and a proper birthday present (Moko-chan was obviously going to be at the wrap party, and no gifts were to be expected by anyone there).

Kyoko got from her best friend a set of gift cards for her favorite restaurant for Christmas, and a Princess Tiara for her birthday that she thought was absolutely dreamy, leading to one of Moko's unwanted super-hugs from Kyoko! The young actress had, though, received a few Christmas gifts from the staff, such as the President, Yashiro, directors she had worked with, and even a few other actors and actresses who had learned to respect (if not like) Kyoko...mostly edibles and practical gifts. But knowing that Tsugura-san was bringing her something special for both—AND as a congrats gift as well (a three-in-one present!), she can barely think straight! She doesn't care if he got her something like a pre-paid ticket for a tattoo! Whatever it is, it is already special to her. Just the thought that he thought of her, and in all three celebratory scenarios, was gift enough in her mind. In the back of it, she also wondered what role the President had in mind for her, too, but Tsugura-san is far more important, so she doesn't give it much thought. She leaves the wrap party early, after getting Yashiro's key, and goes food shopping. She puts the distracting thought of the mystery gift Tsugura-san was fetching for her out of her mind, as well as any thoughts of her next role, because she needs to concentrate on her gift to Tsugura-san—a special home-cooked dinner!


Both seated for dinner now, Ren's eyes bug at the smorgasbord of beautifully-laid-out food Kyoko has made for him. When he had left a key to his house with Yashiro to give Kyoko so she would have time to cook the dinner before 8, Yashiro gave him a devilish grin and a poorly-disguised lewd comment, though Ren had explained the innocent meaning of the key. Nonetheless, Ren is now quite glad he had done so, despite the embarrassment. It was well worth it—Kyoko had obviously spent hours preparing this meal, just for him, making him feel special. Kyoko herself looked quite happy and proud. There is no way he could not find this meal the best he ever had.

"Wow! You really went all-out, Mogami! This really is a celebration gift! It looks and smells so good, I'm on the verge of drooling!" He grins up at Kyoko, who grins back with sheer joy.

"Ok," Kyoko begins, "it's time to eat it now! I really hope you like it! ITADAKIMASU!"


"Oh, matte! I'm sorry, Tsugura-san! I was so focused on the food, I completely forgot to get drinks! One moment, please!"

"No! You went through all this trouble, the least I can do is bring drinks. You just sit still and I'll be right back!"

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