Chapter 11

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So here I am, in the hospital wing just hanging out with my leg in a sling propped above the bed.

What happened? Why don't you ask Oliver the bastard and his ginger minions!

I'm not sure how this topic came up while I sat to eat breakfast with my brother this morning for his birthday, but the 'Bat-Bogey hex' came about from the Weasley twins and I some how got tricked into a challenge.

And when I say tricked, I mean my pride and ego were tested until I cracked..

Oliver Wood vs. Jessica Cesari in a bat bogey hex stand off. Whoever defeats the most bats while standing wins.

Sounds simple, yeah? NO. When you have bloody bats crawling out of your nose and flapping around your head, shit gets real. You feel all light headed and all types of other nonsense.

But how is my leg in a sling? Well, that's because we didn't have a clear winner until after five tries..

Oliver caught the win because his bats thought it'd be nice to tag team with my bats and chase me through the court yard until I eventually tripped on a couple twigs that I am thoroughly convinced were planted so the sodding beasts would attack faster. 

The moral of this story is, do not - and I repeat, DO NOT - do this. The whole ton of bruises, scrapes and gashes from bat claws and teeth are NOT worth it. At all. Neither is the weeks worth of detention with McGonagall or the strained ligaments in my right knee. 

Sadly, Madam Pomfrey won't be able to fix this 'slight over stretch' as she calls it, so I'll be limping for a few days.

I bet the guys thought that would get them out of practice, but no! 

As I was being carried out over my brother's shoulder I called out and told them we'd still have practice tomorrow.

We can't beat Wood if my boys aren't in tip-top shape.

It may have crossed my mind that I might be being a little dramatic about this whole ordeal, but I have every right to be! 

I've been in this school for not even a whole month and managed to get put in the hospital wing twice because of the same person. *cough*OliverTheArsehole*cough*

You'd think he enjoyed it or something..

Speak of the devil, here comes Oliver Wood sauntering in here with that same stupid smirk on his face along with his gingers on his coat tails..

I think he thinks it's okay to speak to me. Well no, sorry. Keep it pushing, Wood.

I have no words for you, jerk face.

My eyes narrowed as they stopped at the foot of my bed. Instinctively, I sat up straight and pulled my leg down from the sling. 

You could say my nervousness around him died down drastically since those bloody bats.

I couldn't be too cautious around him anymore.

I avoided his eyes as I stuck my nose in the air, crossing my arms over my chest defiantly.

Oliver chuckled a bit as he gripped the foot board of the bed.

"Just here to remind you of our detention tonight, love." 

I rolled my eyes, mumbling a few...choice words under my breath.

"Wood? Why are you here?" Cedric's voice questioned.

He didn't look so pleased as he made his way over with a small package that coincidentally looks like Bernie Bott's Every Flavor Beans..

I hope it is. Pomfrey's starving me and not letting anyone bring me food..

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