Ideals | kunikida

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"Kunikida-kun, I haven't heard you complain about living with Y/n lately, are you enjoying it now?" Dazai taunted the blonde, as Kunikida's face turned hot. It was near the end of the day, and Kunikida was nearly fed up on his daily dose of Dazai.

"No! Absolutely not, she always tries to get ahold of my notebook thanks to you!" Kunikida hissed, pushing his glasses up as they glinted in the light, causing Dazai to watch in awe.

"Aw Kunikida, you should let her look! She just might be your ideal woman!" Dazai chirped as Kunikida slammed his hands down on the desk, standing up abruptly as the rest of the office stared.

Then, as if on cue, you walked into the office.

"Hiya guys! Kunikida-kun, what are you standing like that for?" You asked sweetly as the rest of the office looked at you, and Kunikida's cheeks flushed in embarrassment, having to see him at this state.

"Y/n! You look gorgeous today, commit double-suicide with me?" Dazai winked, flirting with you once more to irritate Kunikida as you grinned.

"Only in your dreams Dazai-chan!" You joked, soon followed by you sweet laughter as Kunikida cleared his throat, wanting to end whatever was happening before him.

"So Y/n, how did you like the mission?" The blonde asked, staring at your petite figure as your eyes widened in excitement.

"I loved it! Ranpo-san is so cool with his ultra-deduction ability, right Ranpo?" You hugged the male who had made his way beside you, praising Ranpo as he loved attention.

"Well that's great to hear—"

"Sorry to cut you off Kunikida, but I'm pretty worn out for today so I'm going to go ahead and start on my way home." You sighed softly, as the blonde nodded.

"Well, I'll see you later then, have a nice walk Y/n." Kunikida sighed as he sat back down, typing away at his computer. Ranpo gawked at Kunikida's reaction, being in on this with Dazai as Dazai hummed before going up to you.

"Say Y/n, I'll walk you back, it's getting dark and you left one of your files at my house the other day when you were asking me about that case." Dazai offered as you nodded, scrunching your eyebrows together in the process as you had been to Dazai's house for help on your assigned case, but you never left the file.

Kunikida sighed as he continued on his work, while Dazai escorted you out of the office.

"Here's Kunikida's notebook, I think you should read about his ideal woman." Dazai looked at you and winked, you had just gotten out of the office, couldn't he have waited until you were at least out of sight?

"W-Won't he notice that it's gone?" You asked, stammering as you held the book that was so much closer to Kunikida than you were, but it did hide his wants in a woman, so you were intrigued since you liked the blonde.

"Oh please I always replace it with a copy, go ahead, read it!" Dazai encouraged you by patting your shoulder, as you opened up the notebook. To say that you weren't excited was an understatement, you wanted to know what Kunikida's ideal woman was like, and how you could try and attempt those things in some ways.

Since the apartments weren't far away from the office though, you did have to get reading seeming as Kunikida almost looked finished with his work when you left. You finally had skimmed though enough pages to find the one about his ideal woman.

You read what seemed very nice and innocent, talking about what type of hair style or eye color girls he's attracted to.

Then it got a little....personal.

"A-Ah!" You screeched as your eyes read the words, having a soft cloth come up to touch underneath your nose, you looked over at Dazai in confusion as he held the tissue in place.

"You got a nosebleed, are you really sensitive to that stuff?" Dazai asked as you turned red.

"H-He doesn't need to go into that type of detail! How do you even go into a simple kiss that much?" You tried to defend yourself as you shut the book. "I'll just read the rest of this in private." You huffed, holding the book close to your chest, keeping it safe from Dazai possibly snatching it away.

"Okay, well, tell me how it goes!" Dazai waved off, seeing him go into his apartment as you realized that you had arrived at the complex and should head into your shared one with Kunikida.

You rushed inside as you quickly removed your shoes at the door, then plopped down onto the couch, opening the notebook back to where you left off.

It was fascinating really, but a small part of you felt extremely guilty that you were reading about Kunikida's personal thoughts. It wasn't like there was a bad intention, just the fact that there were some things that you could use as blackmail in the mere future based on the things mentioned in the book.

Time had flown by as you were engrossed in the book, not even noticing until the door opened and you jumped, the book still in your hands as you stared at him, wide-eyed.

"Hey Y/n—is that my notebook?" He nearly was fuming as you nodded, suddenly feeling this confidence as he came over to snatch the book out of your hands, which you let him.

"Kunikida-kun, will you sit down?" You asked as he sighed, pushing up his glasses once more as he sat down next to you.

"I read about your ideal woman." You shrugged, as you saw the man stiffen and turn bright red.

"E-E-Eh?!" He asked, obviously embarrassed about it as he looked away from you, causing you to giggle at the man's actions.

"Do you think I'm your ideal woman Kunikida-kun?" You asked him, tilting your head slightly as now even the tips of his ears turned red, and he finally faced towards you.

"I-Well you have a lot of the qualities, h/c hair, e/c eyes and stuff." He rubbed the back of his neck, hoping you hadn't read the whole section on his ideal woman...but to his dismay, you had.

"Are you sure there aren't other qualities you like about me? I mean, I didn't know you were into half of the stuff I read in your notebook." You grinned as he looked away once more, shaking his head in embarrassment, not wanting to admit anything.

"Well Kunikida I think I can change your mind about that." You smirked, crawling closer to him on the couch as he faced you, eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

"What?" He asked, genuinely confused as to what you meant by that.

"Well Kunikida-kun...

would you like a kiss down under?"

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