Opposite | akutagawa

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Polar opposites, no matter how optimistic one can get, are not supposed to match. Polar opposites are not supposed to fall in love and have it last an eternity, polar opposites cannot possibly fall in love with one another. So why did the universe curse you with Akutagawa?

He was a killer, his ability was something of destruction. His hair was jet black, with the tips of his dark hair white like fresh, innocent snow. Akutagawa had a foul mouth as well, he was one to taunt his enemies, degrade them. He worked for the Port Mafia, an organization that was basically an enemy to the agency.

Guilt. You felt as if everyday you would even breathe in the office atmosphere, and feel the surprising guilt weigh down upon you. It hung invisibly over you while you sat, thinking in silence about all the things you have done, will continue to do. When you sleep, it is dreams filled with the two of you getting through the social boundaries set, or the two of you prosecuted for your actions.

"Y/n." Your name was called, startling you out of your thoughts as you jumped, holding your hand to your heart.

"Oh wow Atsushi, you scared me!" You sighed out, chuckling off your nervousness as he smiled shyly, a reddish tint coming to his cheeks.

"Sorry Y/n, I just wanted to tell you that you look really nice today." He rubbed his hands, probably to calm his nerves as his face was aflame, you smiled at the white-haired boy.

"Thank you Atsushi, that's very kind of you." You spoke, your voice soothing his racing nerves as he stood before you, and he opened his mouth to speak, before your cell phone ringing cut him off.

"Hello?" You asked, answering the phone as you heard Dazai tell you the coordinates of a place to check out, claiming to have gotten a call about it earlier. "Alright, I'll take Atsushi with me." You mentioned before hanging up the phone, standing up from your swivel chair.

"Okay Atsushi, let's go check it out!" You chimed, clapping your hands together as you began walking, leaving the confused boy to run to catch up with you.

"Y/n! Where are we going?" Atsushi asked once you two were out of the office. He was still panting from running to catch up with your short but quick strides, the male was somewhat taller than you.

"It's an alley, apparently it was a noise complaint, maybe thugs but you never know with Port Mafia's recent activities surrounding you." You shrugged, clicking your tongue. Part of you hated that your lover was after Atsushi all the time and you couldn't be seen together at all, but the other part knew it would always be like this, you were polar opposites in every possible way.

"Well, this is it but I don't see anything." You scrunched your nose in confusion, looking in the crannies for any escape routes, soon realizing it was a trap.

"Freeze!" A feminine voice called out, you immediately recognized it as Akutagawa's subordinate,  as you turned around with a sly smirk.

"Ah, Atsushi we better shake in our boots, barbie's got a gun." You snickered, seeing her shake as she held the weapon, pointing it at you rather than Atsushi.

"Y-You better watch out! You will die here!" She warned you, but you laughed. She couldn't kill you, you knew it, but still felt some sort of uneasiness anyways.

"Y/n, what do we do?" Atsushi asked, and as you looked at him, you felt the uneasiness grow suddenly as you did a quick backflip, avoiding whatever had been flying towards you.

"Atsushi, stay calm, you don't think rationally when you're panicking, remember that." You sighed, dusting off your clothes from any dust that could have accumulated.

"Akutagawa!" You chirped, but didn't turn towards him, knowing it would just annoy him further, he hasn't been able to see you in two weeks, how is he supposed to hold back with you standing right in front of him? Your face, he wanted to see your face in person. "You did this not too long ago, your little Alice nearly killed Naomi and Tanizaki." You sighed, staring at Atsushi, his face full of confusion.

"Atsushi." You called out his name, walking towards him. "You've controlled your ability by now, correct?" You asked, patting his shoulder before turning around, facing your partially enraged boyfriend.

All he could see was your hand resting on his enemy's shoulder.

"Are you threatening my sensei?" The blonde asked through gritted teeth, but you simply threw your head back, laughing with the melodious sound flowing from your lips, traveling to soothe Akutagawa's ears.

"No, he won't kill me, though he will try." You stated in a matter-of-fact tone, humming sweetly as you gazed her down. The lovesick aura from her being so desperate for your boyfriend was a tad bit annoying, Akutagawa took notice to this, but....

"If he won't, then I will!" She yelled out, shooting her gun, the bullet taking you by surprise as it entered your side, causing you to freeze.

Time went by slowly, as Akutagawa saw his life flash before his eyes, you dropped to your knees as you clutched your side, removing your hand to reveal a blood stain.

"Y/n!" His scream was piercing, as he rushed to your side. You weren't one with any ability, pain was still something that coursed through your body like every other human being.

The other two found it weird to see Akutagawa holding you like something very valuable, as if you two knew each other on very different terms.

"Hey no need to worry, I won't die hopefully, it just....really hurts." You wheezed, having slight breathing problems as the pain caused your breathing to alter.

"What did you do?" Akutagawa asked his subordinate, as she gazed at him, obviously confused.

"Atsushi, this will have to wait." Akutagawa said softly, picking you up bridal style to avoid hurting your wound.

"N-No! You can't take her! You'll kill her!" Atsushi screamed as he lunged at Akutagawa, taking him off guard causing him to land harshly as Atsushi grabbed your hand, now kneeling at your side.

"Don't die on me Y/n! I never got to tell you but I love you!" The boy cried out as he held your hand, you were in a state of shock before Akutagawa, recovered from his slight fall from before, pushed the boy aside.

"Atsushi, don't." You waved a hand at the boy who was ready to turn into a tiger at any moment, as he gazed at you, hurt and confusion filling his face.

"I've actually been dating Akutagawa for a while." You admitted, laughing slightly before wincing in pain, lightly grasping your side once more.

"W-What?" The young boy asked, face dropping as his frown appeared.

"Atsushi, please don't tell anybody...just say I was taken as prisoner or something." You pleaded as the boy watched you, his frown turning into a defeated smile.

"Sure thing Y/n, but if he doesn't take care of you, I'll really hurt him." Atsushi chuckled lightheartedly, as you smiled at the boy.

"I'm sure you'll find someone, fate always works in mysterious ways." You reassured him as he nodded, then took his leave.

"C'mon, lets go get you fixed up, I can't stand you being hurt." Akutagawa sighed, walking out of the alley into a black car, his subordinate following him, her head hanging down in shame.

"We really are polar opposites y'know? But you see this?" You asked him, gaining his full attention as you showed him your bloody hand.

"We're just alike on the inside, and I love you for that." You smiled as his eyes wavered from the utter shock, his mouth partly agape from your words as he caressed your cheek.

"I love you too, idiot." He murmured, as you slowly began to fall asleep in his arms, embracing the warmth that emitted from his body.

Polar opposites, who could have ever guessed that a greater power put them together?

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