"Woahh" is the only thing the guild can muster up. "WHAT WAS THAT!" Gray screams in frustration "beautiful" Blaze mumbled dreamily.  "Well what are we waiting for let go help her!" Natsu screamed ready to race out of the guild doors. "No Natsu! This is her fight." Master bellows making his hand big and slamming it down. Natsu with the rest understood and flopped down in wait, hoping that that the mysterious ice-eating woman would be ok.

"Least I don't have to use my second origin" she breathed flying gracefully but playfully towards her unsuspecting target, "Ice Dragon's Breakdown Fist" serenity whispers so her target would not hear as she forms her hand into ice and jabs her opponent sending Mizuki flying with extreme force. "I didn't know you'd be back so soon." Mizuki materialized next to her. "It seems I underestimated you, Ha." "Water Cane!" Transforms his hand into a whip composed of water striking it into Serenity's side making her go crashing to the ground with a thump. Hearing a few cracks Serenity screams out in pain spiting out a mouthful of blood. Mizuki lowers himself down from the air. "Now this isn't very fun... AH! How should I make it interesting? More attacks... Nah! Leave you here to bleed out... those Fairy Scum would probably help you..." Mizuki paces around mocking Serenity with every move. He suddenly turns around with a wicked smirk. "Oh yes! Torcher! That's always fun!" "You sick man" Serenity sneers. "Oh well, you just ruined the fun so I'll make this long and painful" "Water Lock!" capturing serenity in a solid dome of water 'I really need to think of a way out of this! Or I'm dead meat... oh yes you could use that spell but it uses a lot of magic... grr' as Serenity has a mental battle with her self on how to get out Mizuki is gloating how the dome was unbreakable 'there's no other way I have to use that Spell' Serenity thought finally finishing her mind battle. Closing her eyes.

"Ice Dragons Sub-Zero Unlock - Freeze" yells snapping her eyes open a complicated blue magic circle with a dragon head in both of her eyes. She watches as the bubbles of air that escaped float up the midway freeze. "Shatter!"

"What! You broke my unbreakable; inescapable water lock! I'm ending this now!" Mizuki screamed furious

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"What! You broke my unbreakable; inescapable water lock! I'm ending this now!" Mizuki screamed furious.  "So will I!" Serenity yelled in triumph.

"Eight Seas I Call Them Together,

I Am The Guardian Of The Ocean,

Heed To My Command,

Bring All Might And Fury Of The God Neptune.

Eight Sea God Death Aqua Spear!"

An almost blinding aqua light radiates from Mizuki's upper body, as the light travels down his arms to hiss hands a huge orb starts to form. Shooting out a enormous light radiating; water; aqua coloured spear that heralds towards serenity.

"Ice Dragons Sub-Zero


5 Layer Dance of the Ice Goddess"

A ice coating surrounds serenity's whole body, the ice twirls around her body like its dancing at a extreme speed. Then suddenly releasing a huge wave of sharp ice splinters covering a large radius, shattering anything within range. A dazzling ice-blue light with a shower of ice partitas emits of serenity.

The attacks are sent seconds after each other but the time is enough to make them miss one another. Mizuki's attack lands and creates a deep wound on her stomach narrowly missing the vital organs. With Serenity's attack it hits strait on target knocking out and injuring Mizuki. "Raven come here" Serenity's calls hoarsely "I need you to help me get to the fairy tail guild. Then, I'm trusting you to take Mizuki back to the magic council. Come strait back. Ok? Please do this for me I'm counting on you to finish my mess, is that ok?" "Yes of course Serenity." Raven muttered picking up Serenity and flying to the guild. "Please put me down by the doors then go and take Mizuki." Serenity barely whispers yet Raven hears. "Will you be ok" Raven asks desperately placing her down gently. "Ill be fine now go" Serenity mutters, pushing Raven away, eyes half closed. "Be. Safe." Raven cries as she fly's off to get Mizuki then rush to the council.

Staggering into the guild. By her expression you could see that serenity was in pain, so much so that she was about to black out, but then Serenity saw something that she would never expect. The last thing she says is "Hina?" before blacking out and collapsing blood pooling from the deep wound.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1544 words, four pages.

Ok so this is it. Hope you enjoyed, I'm not so sure if I should continue this or not? Anyway tell me what you think.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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(A Fairy Tail Fanfic) The Ice Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now