"And he will get arrested?"

"It's a possibility." I started walking again towards her car.

"I don't want that to happen," I said when we got there.

"I know, but it might also be the best thing. Anyways it's not going to happen right now. We can still talk about it, maybe figure something out where we don't need to do that. But I'm prepared to do it, to do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Because I care about you, that's what a parent does, cares."

I nodded my head and got in the car, Blakes mom doing the same. We drove to the house with just the car radio playing. "Is there anything you would like to do?" She asked when we got there.

"Umm yeah. I was thinking of drawing. Do you have any paper and pencils ma'am?"

"Of course. And call me Julie, I don't like ma'am. Makes me sound old." It was the first time I actually heard what her name is. I always thought it was weird to call adults by their first name, but maybe I'll get used to it. I smiled at her and she walked off. I walked to the living room and sat on the couch. "Here you go." She walked over with a drawing pad and a set of drawing pencils. "Anna went through an art phase and this is some of her extra things." She handed them to me.

"Thank you," I told her.

"No problem. I'm going to call into work and tell them that I'll need the next week off. I'll be in the kitchen, call if you need anything." And with that she walked off to the kitchen and left me alone in the living room. I could hear her from where I was sitting.

I pulled out the pencils and just started drawing. I had nothing in mind I just let my mind draw whatever came to it. "Hey Aiden," I heard Julie call. I looked up and saw that an hour had passed. "Want to help me bake some cookies for when Blake and Anna get home?"

"Sure." I answered and put all my stuff down. I walked into the kitchen and saw that Julie had set out all of the supplies we would need.

Blake's POV

I walked back into school and checked back into the office. The nurse had just happen to walk out of her office. "Blake, you're back already. How's Aiden?"

"He's awake. Doctors said he has a bad concussion and won't be in school for a while."

"That's good to hear," she replied and walked off in the opposite direction I was going. I walked into my science class which was the second of the day and handed the teacher my late pass. My friend Chris just so happen to be in this class as well.

"Hey man, where were you?"


"What crawled up your ass?" I just glared at him and pulled out my science. I didn't want to be here, I just wanted to go home and take care of Aiden. I grabbed Chris's notes and copied them down. Chris is actually good at school he just won't admit it. He thinks that people will start thinking he's a nerd if they find out.

The bell rang signaling the end of class. I must've got here later than I thought. I walked out and went to my foods class. I'm glad that it's right before lunch so then I don't get hungry from all the cooking and then can't eat it. This class always goes by fast. We cooked chicken and mashed potatoes today. When the class was done I took my food to the cafeteria and sat down at my regular table with my friends.

I ended up not eating much and let the others have it. "Dude where did you go today?" Ryan asked me.

"I had to bring Aiden to the hospital."

"What the hell. Why?"

"He got a concussion. He hit his head."

"Ha. Where is he now then?"

"At my house with my mom." He looked at me then just shook his head and went back to his food. The day trudged on from there, all I could do was watch the clock and count down the minutes until I could leave. It was finally last period and I was only half paying attention. When the bell rang I quickly made my way through all of Aiden's teachers and got his missing work.

I drove to the middle school and picked up Anna. "Where's Aiden?" She asked as she got into the front seat.

"I had to bring him to the hospital. He got a concussion."

"It was from his dad wasn't it?" I nodded in response and gripped the steering wheel harder. "It's going to be okay Blake. You know that." I just nodded again. When we finally got home Anna went over to the neighbors and I grabbed Aiden and my things and made my way inside.

When I opened the door I could smell cookies and heard voices in the kitchen. I dropped everything and walked over there. I saw my mom and Aiden covered in flour, laughing about something that was said. My mom turned around and saw me. "Hey bud. We made cookies."

"I see. But how in the world did you get it all over."

"Well you see...... that's Aidens fault," she said.

"Is not. You're the one who threw it at me." Aiden retaliated.

"And you threw some back."

"Can you blame me." I chuckled and he looked at me shyly.

"I would hug you but I don't any of that getting on me, so I'll just have one of these." I grabbed a cookie off the plate and bit into it. "Oh my god. Did you put liquid cocaine in this? It's so freaking good."

"Well I'm glad you like them," my mom said. "Why don't you get cleaned up Aiden." He nodded and started to walk out.

"Your bag is by the door," I told him as he walked through the doorway.

Once he walked up the stairs my mom turned to me, "You know. Instead of always making eyes and flirting with him, you should ask him out to dinner or something."

I paused for a moment. "I don't know mom."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to ruin anything. I don't want something to happen."

"All I'm going to say is that it's pretty obvious you both have feelings toward each other." She turned and took off her apron. "It wouldn't hurt to try."

"Yeah I guess not."

"Well I'm going to go take a shower. Don't eat all the cookies." She gave me a pat on the back and then walked upstairs. I cleaned up the mess that was left and grabbed what was left of our stuff downstairs then went up to my room. When I walked in, the shower was just turning off and I could hear Aiden walking around. I sat down on the bed and waited.

He walked out a few minutes later. "Hey. I'm bored. What do you want to do?"


"You know the doctor said no electronics." He let out a sigh. "How about a game of go fish?"

"Never played before."

"How have you never played go fish before?" He shrugged his shoulders. "We are definitely playing it now." I stood up and grabbed a deck of cards off of the book shelve. I sat down on the bed and took the cards out of the box. "Sit." I pointed in front of me and told him. "Okay so here's how you play," I told him the basic rules and we started playing.

After a few rounds I set down my cards. "Can I talk to you for a minute." He nodded his head. "I know I told you this before, but what I did in the past was because I didn't know what I was feeling about you. But I do know. I know that I'm gay, I told my mom already. And I like you Aiden." I took a deep breath.

I looked up into his eyes. "Will you go out to dinner with me tomorrow?"

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