"Of course." 

"Are you free tonight? We could have some fun," Shannon proposed. I almost snorted. She was desperate, wasn't she? "Or we could just leave after you're done here." She winked.

Louis stood up. I could hear it and I grinned at Shannon as I heard him make his way over to the desk swiftly. He stood shoulder to shoulder with me and slammed his hands on the table.

"Listen here, bimbo. Our friend is here with amnesia and we still don't even have the full story on what happened. We came here to see him. Not some slut who had her daddy get her this position. So if you could be ever so kind as to get your hands off my boyfriend and maybe even start doing your actual fucking job instead of flirting with whatever has two legs, that would be great!" Louis barked. 

Shannon and I both felt our jaws drop and we turned simultaneously to stare at Louis. She looked offended while I'm sure I looked astounded at Louis' statement. I've never been so proud! 

"EXCUSE ME?" She yelled, her hands clamping on her waist. She gaped at me. "You're going to let your friend say that to me?!" 

"Boyfriend." I corrected her with an evil grin, sliding my hand around Louis' waist. She scoffed loudly and turned around to stomp into the back room, her heels clacking all the way. 

"I hate you." I heard Louis grumble. 

"I love you too, Lou. You know I was just playing," I whined, wrapping my other arm around him and hugging him from behind. "Plus, you look hot when you're pissed." I nuzzled into Louis' neck and he leaned back into my touch before pulling away and turning to me.

"Zayn, this is no time for games! If anyone else had been here, you could've gotten in trouble. We're here for Liam. At least for now." He paused. "When we get home you are SO going to get it." 

"Jesus, are you to ever not having sex?" We heard a voice say. Both Louis and I turned around to see who had spoken. 

"Harry!" We yelled.


-----Harry's POV--------

Zayn and Louis yelled my name and I jumped slightly. I'm sure they were mad at this sudden situation, I would be too if I was in their position. 

"Listen, guys. I can explain," I said. "Come with me." I turned and headed up the stairs and Zayn sighed before Louis took his hand and they followed me. We walked silently up to the second floor and I sat them down in he waiting area. 

"Care to explain what the hell we're doing in a hospital at 11:30 PM on a Sunday night?" Louis asked, trying to be sarcastic, but looking more earnest and worried. 

"Yeah, what did you do?" Zayn asked, looking suspicious. I gaped at him.

"Excuse me? You think I did this to him on purpose? Just listen before you point fingers. I care more about Liam than anyone here," I snapped at them. Their mouths both clamped shut and they looked surprised at my attitude. 

"I was at Liam's house after I had talked to Niall, who is in love with Josh by the way, and Liam was letting me stay over there for a while. I ate dinner and everything and I was dozing off until I realized it was already like ten o'clock and we have school tomorrow. I yelled for Liam and I guess he thought something was wrong because he sprinted in. There were pillows and blankets everywhere from us and Liam slipped right on one and hit his head on the coffee table. The next thing I knew, he didn't know where he was, who I was, or even who  he was." I took a deep breath after the explanation. Zayn looked at me incredulously and we both heard muffled laughter. 

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