Hey guys!

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: wrecktrek


Don't yell at me because I know you want to. I can imagine you saying "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUDGENUGGETS?! WHY HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED?!" 

Ok so here's what's happening, Kaitlyn has been very busy lately so she said i'm all clear to write chapter 13! I'm in the process of doing exactly that, but I'm really busy and distracted now that the school year is drawing to an end. *dances on the graves of my teachers* 

Um- I mean... All of my teachers are alive.... for now... 

ALSO BEFORE I FORGET, I'd really appreciate you going and checking out my wattpad bby @bugaboo4298

She recently wrote a Lirry one shot that I think is just really good (and smutty, for those of you who like that mhmm :D) Please take just a little time to read it? Also follow her & vote & comment!

Thanks for the patience my majetical unicorns! 


Besides 1D bromances + relationships, what other pairs do you ship? I ship Sterek (Teen Wolf) hardcore *dies from sudden Sterek feels* Plus many more :) Check out my profile and see if we "sail" the same ships so then we can freak out over them and cry and convulse and make weird noises idk cuz that's what I do *rolls around on the floor* 

Ha, ok I have no life 

*waddles away* 

The Project- A Zouis Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें