Chapter Seven

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OMG!!! OVER 600 READS?!?!?!?! WHAAAT??? Omg I just fell off my bed and started rolling around just because I was freaking out when I saw the number of reads! *takes rapid breaths* Ok, I think I shall recover! Enjoy a magical chapter seven! I dedicate another chapter to @lovela and also  @bugaboo4298 bc they helped me make my decision on my new fic, which I hope you guys will read! I'll give you the title later:) *Gives cookie* Eat your cookie, foolish child! *Blows kiss* MWAH!!


Zayn's POV

After class, Niall led Louis and I over to Josh's locker. 

"Aye, Josh! Care to help us out?" Niall asked, smiling widely at the sight of Josh. I knew the two were pretty close, almost as close as him and Louis. Josh looked up from his locker and blushed, seeming nervous. He seemed to shake it off and said "Hey Niall, sure. What do you need?"

"Well you know the video that we saw in health..." Niall started, but Josh interrupted him

"Oh yeah! Of Zayn and Tomlinson getting it on! That was hilarious!" He laughed, making Niall laugh. I nudged Niall to shut him up from laughing and ask Josh already.

"Oh yeah!" Niall continued. "Anyway, Lou and Zayn really need to delete the video off of the baby's camera because if Mrs. Westley saw it, she would freak out and they would get into a shitload of trouble. Plus, you're really good with all of the technology type stuff. So can you help us delete the video?" 

Josh gestured for me to give him Zouis and I handed her over. He clicked on the button fro the camera and nodded. "Yeah, this should be easy! I can have this deleted in probably less than an hour. I just need a laptop and a wire to hook it up." 

"You can use my laptop!" Louis piped up. "They probably have the right cable in the tech lab too."

"Sweet, meet me in the tech lab during free period and I can help you guys out." Josh said, smiling particularly at Niall, who smiled right back. I raised my eyebrows at him. It seems that someone has a little crush on Niall.  

"Thanks man." Louis said. "Zayn and I have chemistry now, so we'll meet you then." 

"Ok, Niall and I have math. Bye!" Josh said, grabbing Niall's hand and dragging him away. Niall, being the oblivous snowflake he is, just skipped along beside him.

While Louis and I got our stuff from our lockers, I turned to Louis and said "Don't you think it seems that Josh has a thing for Niall?" 

"Yeah, I noticed that. They're really close. Niall is just too oblivious to see!" Louis said, laughing. He started to walk toward the Chemistry room, but I grabbed his hand and turned him around. 

"But, don't you think Harry would be mad?" I asked, worried. Louis grinned at me and took a step closer.

"Well, I don't think that Niall will get with Josh anytime soon, so it'll be fine." He said, grabbing my other hand with his. 

"Yeah, but what if Harry sees them holding hands or something? We already have a big problem on our hands, and we don't need them fighting." I said. Louis didn't respond and moved closer.

"Louis, what are you doing? There's people around!" I hissed as he took yet another step forward. 

"Shut up, Zayn." Louis said, smiling.

Then he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine.

I gasped and felt massive sparks run throughout my whole body and I forgot all about the other people in the hallway. I felt my shoulders relax and I moved my hands to Louis' waist as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. His lips were soft and felt so... Louis-like. If that makes any sense. I was just about to run my tongue along his bottom lip, when he pulled away.

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