Chapter 14

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Hey guys, it's Kaitlyn here! Wow, it's been a while. I've missed you all! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates for so, so long. Classes were keeping me busy, and then I was involved in a school drama production, then I lost internet connection, and finally, I took a summer class that filled up my should-be spare time. But I'm finally back, and I couldn't be happier! I really hope you enjoy this chapter after such a long wait, and hopefully, all the chapters to come as well. We've got some surprises in store for you, some might even come in soon.

Okay, so this is a really long author's note for me, considering I don't even write them at all in my own stories. I think we should get to the chapter now.

Enjoy, lovelies! <3


---Louis’ POV---

When I woke up, I was pressed against something warm and soft and found myself snuggling closer automatically. I discovered it was Zayn once I opened my eyes and grinned to myself thinking of the night before, wrapping my arms more tightly around his waist and pressing my bare chest to his.

“Good morning, babe,” Zayn groaned as he stretched his legs and blinked himself awake. His morning voice was a huge turn-on and it was difficult to keep myself from getting excited, but I managed.

“Morning. How’d you sleep?” I responded.

“I always sleep well when I’m next to you,” he got me to smile with the cheesy response, then yawned.

 “Are you still tired?” I asked, seeking an opportunity to get away from him.

 “Actually, yeah, a bit. Want to go back to sleep for a little?”

“Alright, fine. Get some rest.” We curled up together again and soon enough he’d drifted off into unconsciousness.

This was going to be trickier than I thought. Cautiously wiggling around, I pulled my arm from beneath his body and one of my legs from between his, carefully slipping him further from me and hoping desperately that he didn’t wake up in the process. Thankfully he didn’t and I was soon free of the bed, quickly dressing myself and grabbing a pen and paper to leave him a note:

            Hey love, I know you didn’t want me to interfere with Harry and Niall’s relationship, but Niall’s my best friend and I can’t do this anymore. He has the right to know his boyfriend’s a cheater and to make his own decisions whether or not they should stay together. It shouldn’t be up to me to decide whether or not Niall knows the truth, so I’ve gone to his place to tell him what we know from that night. I’ll be back whenever we’re finished. Please don’t join me unless you see it my way. I love you!

With that done, I placed the paper on my pillow and hurried to slip shoes on and get out the door in case he woke up.

Niall didn’t answer when I went over to see him, so I thought about where he could be. The most obvious place to check would be Harry’s place, since he didn’t know about the cheating and would still want to be around him as much as possible. However, when I arrived I found that nobody was there either. If Harry had gone to Liam’s, I was going to blow a fuse.

Since today was just not my day, Liam answered his door and told me that Harry was indeed there, motioning for me to be quiet if I was going to speak because he was sleeping. I only complied because I would rather not have to speak to Harry at the moment.

“What the hell is Harry doing here? With you, of all people? Are you begging for it to happen again?” I whisper-screamed at Liam.

 “I don’t know, okay? He just showed up here last night looking about ready to cry. Apparently him and Niall fought because Niall thinks we’re all hiding something from him, which we are, and tried to pry it out of Harry, who has no clue what’s going on.” He looked guilty, but I couldn’t stop there.

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