Scenario! The Pocky Challenge (1)

Start from the beginning

You narrowed your eyes while you stood with one of your hands on your hip.

''Don't 'Oi' me, Ayato. What the actual heck are all of these? And why have you never told me anything about them?''

"Because you were probably going to eat all of them.''

''And how did you know I wouldn't ask for your permission first? I'm not Kanato, y'know.''

''You may not be that purple-head but you love these stupid biscuit sticks covered in (F/F) as much, if not almost as much, as me. Your boyfriend!'' He said as he held one pack of Pocky beside his head and pointed from his head to the sticks and back.

You walked towards him and took the package from his hands, put it back near the other 9 packs and grabbed his face looking at his emerald green eyes.

''You're a vampire, for hell's sake, Ayato. Grow some balls. You couldn't even tell me, your girlfriend, that you had bought fifteen packs of Pocky in fear of me eating them, but in the meantime, you've consumed five packs. I bet you don't even have the balls to accept my challenge.''

''What challenge?'' He immediatly perked up.

You looked around the room, anywhere but his face. ''Oh, nothing much, it's just a challenge that'll determine if I can have the remaining Pocky or not. It's called-''

You looked at him. ''-the Pocky challenge.''

The vampire smirked having seen another couple do this once. ''I accept your challenge on one condition: If you were indeed to win, and you get all the sweets, I may suck your blood as long as you eat them. And if I win, I may freely suck your blood for three days.''

''Wait, why do you kinda win even if I were to win the challenge?''

''Because I paid for them.''

''But you have a lot of money anyway.''

''Just-'' he sighed, ''-just start with the challenge and be quiet or else I'll bite you to shut you up.''

''Okay, okay, no need to turn rude, hot-head.''

You grabbed the previous Pocky and took a stick out. You placed one end between your teeth as Ayato did the same with the other end. You made a noise indicating number one. He made a noise indicating the number two. As you both made a noise at the end, you started biting. The challenge was over in a second but that didn't stop you from knowing you had won.

You broke the kiss that had followed your challenge and grabbed the remaining nine packets in your arms as you started walking to your room.

''Are you coming? I'm going to start eating them if you're ready or not!''


"Subaruuuuu, come here for a sec."

Before you even finished your sentence your boyfriend was already in your room. He looked a bit annoyed but you knew he was anything but. Subaru just had a resting-bitch face, but just because of the one he loved so deeply it won't start to change.

''What do you want?''

Nor will his attitude.

''I bought-'' You stopped talking the moment you saw his knife in his hand.

''I bought you something,'' you recovered and smiled. He kept looking at you, waiting for you to continue explaining what it was you'd bought. Quickly snatching his knife out of his hand, you put a (F/F) stick in.


''I bought you Pocky,'' you grinned.

''Pocky?'' Oh dear, he was so adorable. No, wait, he can't be, this guy is a vampire, being adorable is out of the question. You blushed. But the word 'Pocky' coming out of his mouth was too cute.

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