Tell Me

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"A- Alfred, why are you doing this?"

Alfred continued to cry; he fell to the floor.

"I- I'm s- sorry!"

Arthur crouched down and hugged his brother.

"What's wrong?"

Alfred looked up at him sadly, the pain showing in his eyes.

"P- people make f- fun of me.. I-i hate it.. I'm not an idiot.. "

Arthur hugged him tighter.

"It's okay.. I know you're not an idiot.. If you needed help you should've said so.. "

"B- but I wanted to be the hero.. "

Arthur looked at Alfred in the eye.

"Even a hero needs a break. A hero sometimes needs his own."

Alfred hugged his older brother.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Arthur stood up.

"Wh- where are you going?"

"Would you like me to stay?"
"Y-yes.. Please.."


Arthur helped Alfred stand and walk to the couch. The two sat down, Arthur wrapping his arms around the younger one's shoulders.

"Its okay, Alfred."

"... Okay.."

Alfred leaned against the Brit, sniffling a little. Arthur ran his fingers the Alfred's hair.



"Could you.. Tell me a story, like you did when I was little?" Alfred looked up at him, very pitifully.

Arthur chuckled.

"Of course I will." Alfred smiled, and lay his head on his brother's chest. Arthur ran his fingers through Alfred's hair once more before beginning.

"Once upon a time there was a young boy. This young boy always smiled and laughed, showing everyone he was happy. But on the inside, he wasn't."

Alfred snuggled into Arthur.

"The boy just wanted everyone else to be happy. When he was older, people began making fun of him. Even.. Even his own brother..."

Alfred wrapped his arms around the older, hugging him. Arthur cracked a smile.

"Soon enough, the boy began to show that he was sad. His brother noticed, and became sad himself. The brother wanted to help the boy, like how he helped him."

Arthur hugged his brother tighter.

"So the brother went to the boys house and spoke to him with comforting words. He let him know that he would always be there for him. He said that no matter how many names he called him, he never truly meant it, even when he said he did. He told the boy, that no matter what, he would always be there. If not in person, then he could call."

Alfred looked up at Arthur, smiling a little.

"Thank you for being here for me, Arthur."

"Anything for you Alfred."

The two brothers snuggled closer to each other, sleep overcoming them.

Its okay, I haven't abandoned this story.


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