Chapter 97: Voice

Start from the beginning

"Who's there?" he demanded, instantly covering his groin; not like they could see anything well, considering he was submerged in water from the waist down. "Hello?"

For several seconds, there was no response... but then, Karla and Krishna emerged from behind a rather large stone. He blinked, then stiffened and sank down into the water.

"Greetings, Vadil!" Krishna called, scratching her nose with her eyes trained on the sky. "We... er, Karla... has come to check on your wounds... and... erm..."

"Give me a few moments to get dressed before you say anything else," he called. "Please, if only for a few moments, turn around."

The female sprites immediately did as he requested.

Like a wild man, he tore out of the water and dragged his underwear and pantaloons back on.

Even though he was wet, he figured he could change later.

"Are you finished?" Krishna asked, making him turn. "May we speak with you?"

"I... was a bit worried," Karla added. "I have not restocked your medical supplies."

"I removed the magic bindings from the wrists of my... servants," he cautiously explained, making both females stiffen and whip around. "I no longer need the salve, and I can assure you that I'm okay now."

"You removed the binding stones from the fire mage?" Krishna hissed, eyes wide. "What have you done?! Fire magic is an element that is not allowed within Calcoon's borders!"

Xaphile's eyes narrowed since he was getting a little tired of having to play master all the time.

Taking a deep breath, he let it out.

"Look," he said simply, giving them a quiet stare. "Do you know who my companions really are?"

Krishna stared at him, eyes narrowing slightly in perplexity

"They're... your servants," Karla tentatively offered. "That is what you said, yes? That they're yours?"

"I did say that, and in a way, you could say it's true," he said simply. "Those people, after all, are actually mine. Just not in the way you've assumed."

"Vadil," Krishna growled. "What is it that you are trying to explain?"

"They're not my servants," Xaphile bluntly told her. "They're people of serious importance."

"Importance? What do you mean?"

"I mean, they're important people. For example, the girl with the white hair? She's actually one of the four rulers of Aerika. She's the countess of the Southern Provinces, Ellameira Rochard."

Krishna's eyes widened in shock and she stiffened.

"You're associated with one of the four rulers of Aerika?" she whispered. "How can this be?!"

"It's not just her," Xaphile quietly told her. "Sinmir, the big guy with the blonde hair? He's the firstborn prince of Adanac, the country north of Aerika."

"Why did you not tell us?!" Karla exclaimed, covering her mouth in horror. "Had you told us from the start that we were in the presence of mortal royalty, we wouldn't have forced them to stay on this island as their lodging! We would have given them all much better accommodations!"

"I didn't say anything for three reasons," he sighed. "First, I was sick and still extremely confused about a lot of things. I didn't want to overstep my boundaries. Second, we agreed as a group that it would be better not to say anything. And third... this island is actually perfect."

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