Chapter 11

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Everyone was running around trying to get their costumes on. Tightening their corsets. Pulling on their dresses and shoes.

I helped Christine tighten her corset around her waist.

She stared into the mirror in front of us and I could tell she was still a bit shaken up over what had happened last night.

"I heard that Raoul visited you today," I said, figuring Christine needed a distraction.

A smile appeared on her face.

"Oui, he was worried about me, I tried to tell him that I was just tired, but I could tell he knew that wasn't it, he was so concerned, it was sweet."

"I bet it was, he is madly in love with you," I said in a teasing tone as I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

She blushed as she turned to me, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Well, when I was little he did fetch a scarf that I had dropped into the ocean, he dove right in and rescued it for me, it was the first thing he told me when I saw him, I supposed if that's not love then I don't know what is."

I smiled.

"If you two don't get married, I won't believe in love."

I could see a smile about to appear on Christine's face but suddenly a nervous expression came in replace of it.

"Is something wrong?" I  asked, wondering if I had said something to cause it.

She only shook her head, forcing a smile to come across her face.

"I'm fine, we should go now, I wouldn't want Madame Giry to scold us."

I nodded my head in agreement as I followed her out.

The set was all being arranged on stage, the normal chaos of dancers stretching, singers warming up their vocal cords, and instruments being tuned.

I walked into the back of the stage seeing Carlotta already complaining to the director about only God knows what. I still remembered the plan the Phantom came up with and I took away the spray, that was sitting alone on a table and slipped it into the pocket of my costume dress.

I  went beside Meg, who was stretching and I couldn't help but look around myself and wonder if the Phantom was there watching from the shadows.

"Who are you looking for?" Meg asked.

"No one," I simply responded as I bent down to touch my toes.

"Is it Phillipe?"

"No, of course not!" I  said in shock as I looked over at her, but for some reason, I could feel my cheeks heating up at the mention of him.

"Are you sure, he was asking for you before you and Christine came."

I straightened up, looking at her for a moment to see if she was just pulling my leg or not, but from her expression, I could tell she wasn't.

"What did he want to see me for?"

"Oh, just to wish you luck on the performance tonight, he seems to be very fond of you." She told me with a smile.

I didn't know what to say, wondering if what she said was true.

I could sense someone watching me and I looked above at the fly tower seeing a shadowy figure before it slowly disappeared, but I knew who it was.

I slipped through the dancers and other actors, who were talking to one another, waiting in anticipation for the show to start.

No one was near the winding stairs that led up to the fly loft, the steps creaked underneath my weight as I ascended up.

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