Chapter 4

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The next morning, after a sleepless night of worrying about what might've happened to Christine I awoke to see her laying in bed.

I scrambled from my bed, tackling her with a hug, relief flooding me that she was okay.

"Mon Dieu, Christine, you're all right!"

"Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be?" Christine asked as I pulled off of her.

I took a breath holding her hands into mine, still so relieved that she was back and perfectly fine.

"Last night, I thought you had been kidnapped!"

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.


"Oui, I saw this masked man in the hallway and then I came back to the room and you were gone, I thought he had taken you, where were you?"

Christine stared at the ground for a moment, a puzzled look on her face, and her eyes slowly widened.

"So, it wasn't a dream."

I raised an eyebrow, returning the confused expression she had on earlier.

"What do you mean it wasn't a dream?"

She looked up at me with a soft smile, a smile that I knew meant that she wouldn't tell me, once again keeping secrets from me.

I sighed sharply before she could say anything, walking towards my dresser as I said, "Whatever, don't tell me, I'm just glad you're okay, now we have rehearsals to go to so you better get dressed."


"Christine, seriously if you don't want to tell me what the hell is going on, I'm not going to pressure you, but when you're ready to be honest with me, you can talk to me," I interrupted her, trying not to reveal the frustration that was filling my chest, but knowing that it came out in my tone.

I walked away from her, not wanting to look at the sad emotion that would be present on her face by my words, I didn't feel like having regret right now.

At rehearsals, we were practicing the play of Hannibal, Carlotta once again being the star and singing to hurt everyone's ears, who had the unfortunate pleasure of hearing her sing.

"This trophy from our saviors from the enslaving force of Rome!"

I was grateful when it was our turn to finally sing, Carlotta's voice getting drowned out by the chorus.

I couldn't help but sigh with relief as I danced and sang.

"With feasting and dancing and song, tonight in celebration, we greet the victorious throng, returned to bring salvation. The trumpets of Carthage resound, hear Romans now and tremble, hark to our step on the ground, hear the drums, Hannibal comes."

As Piangi entered the stage, Monsieur Lefevre, the owner of the opera house walked onto the stage with two men trailing behind him.

"As you can see, rehearsals are underway for a new play called Hannibal," He spoke as he waved a hand to everyone who was on the stage.

Our director, Reyer took an exasperated breath.

"Monsieur Lefevre, please I am rehearsing!"

"This will only take a moment, Monsieur Reyer,"

He turned to look at us and smiled.

"As you all may or may not know I am officially retiring, and here to take my place are Monsieurs Armand and Firmin."

We all clapped politely, and exchanged confused glances at one another, coming as a shock that Lefevre had decided to retire. There had been rumors going around about his retirement for years, but none of us thought it would happen.

"Now, Monsieur Reyer, you may carry on with rehearsals," Monsieur Lefevre said as he walked away, the new owners following as they tipped their hats at us in greeting.

"All right, everyone shall we-"

"Excuse me, but I would like to have an opportunity for a solo in this play, all I do is sing with all these amateurs, I want a part of my own, but not just a bit part, Monsieur," Carlotta demanded.

I rolled my eyes at her, of course, she wanted a solo part the last person that anyone would want to do a solo.

"Madame, perhaps-"

Carlotta once again interrupted him.

"No, it's either I get a solo or I'll refuse to sing!"

I could hear him take a deep breath as he searched through the scripts pulling out a sheet.

"Very well, are you familiar with the aria from Act 3?"

I rubbed my temples as I heard her confirming that she was familiar with it, making her way toward the front of the stage, once again the spoiled diva was getting the spotlight.

The piano started to play and I could hear Carlotta clear her throat as she began to sing.

My head was pounding from her voice and I couldn't stand a second longer listening to it, suddenly I saw a backdrop fall from above, crashing on top of Carlotta.

It would seem someone else couldn't stand it either.

I gasped and covered my mouth in shock, relieved that had caused her to stop, but at the same time startled that it even happened.

"It's the Phantom Of The Opera," Meg whispered to me as her eyes looked above at the fly tower.

I followed her gaze, seeing nothing except for darkness.

"Madame, are you all right?" Monsieur Reyer asked as the backdrop was pulled off of her.

She scrambled to her feet, her face cherry-red with anger.

"Am I all right, no, I am not in fact, find a new star because I will not be singing!"

Carlotta stormed off the stage and I was tempted to wave her goodbye, beyond happy that she was gone.

Monsieur Reyer, of course, didn't share my enthusiasm.

"Now what am I supposed to do?"

I noticed Madame Giry walking onto the stage and I took a deep breath, hoping this would be my chance.

Madame Giry had been promising me for years that when an opportunity arose she would vouch for me and make the suggestion for me to sing.

This was that opportunity, I would finally have that chance.

I anticipated her to say my name but my heart dropped in disappointment at the words that came out of her mouth.

"May I suggest that Christine Daaé sing the part?"

I couldn't even look at Christine, only staring at the ground as I heard the director call her forward.

The piano started and of course, she sang like an angel.

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