Chapter 5

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After the disappointing rehearsal, I quickly got dressed trying to conceal the emotions that were twisting inside of me, threatening to spill over.

I needed to get away from people, but most of all far away from Christine, I couldn't even stand being near her.

I could hear her talking with Meg as they got dressed, I was trying to ignore them, knowing their conversation was only going to make me explode, but I found it nearly impossible to do so.

"I wasn't expecting it, I mean I've never sung a solo before," Christine told Meg.

"But you sang beautifully, you must have a great teacher," Meg said and I could see her, through the reflection of the mirror taking Christine's hand into hers.

"I do," She confirmed with a soft smile as she looked at her hands.

I never knew Christine even took singing lessons, it made sense though a voice like that doesn't just come out of the blue, it was just another secret she was keeping from me.

I sighed sharply and walked passed them, I couldn't listen to them talk any longer.

I heard someone following me and I knew it to be Christine.

"Celeste, wait I know you're upset with me, but it wasn't my choice," She said as she grabbed my arm, preventing me from going any further.

I looked at her, shaking my head.

At first, I was upset about her having a solo over me and I still was, but I found myself being more angry at her secretiveness towards me.

"You never told me you were getting lessons."

Christine sighed.

"I just never thought to tell you."

"You've been doing this to me for years now, ever since you started randomly disappearing to only God knows where, you've been keeping secrets from me and lying, I'm your friend, why can't you just be honest with me?" I asked, anger filling my voice.

"I never meant to do that, it's just complicated."

She looked around nervously as she spoke as if afraid that someone was listening.

I stared at her for a moment, realizing she was shaking, tears filling her eyes, she was terrified.

I gently held her hands in comfort.

"Christine, you can tell me anything, whatever has gotten you so frightened, maybe I can help you, just please tell me what's going on."

She shook her head, backing away from me, shaking as she did.

"I-I can't, I promised him I wouldn't!"

"Him?" I repeated, looking at her in confusion and concern.

Christine shook her head again and quickly rushed away, leaving me still in the dark with more questions that I had zero answers to.

I stood there for a moment trying to wrap my mind around what had just gone on, my brain trying to come up with answers to questions that were swarming my mind, but failing to do so.

Later that night I was behind the curtains, having just gotten done with Act 2 of the Hannibal play, now preparing for Act 3, Christine's solo being the opening for it.

I saw her nervously fiddling with her dress, Meg was beside her trying to encourage her that she could do it.

I could tell her words were doing little to help as Christine's chest continued to rapidly go up and down, on the brink of hyperventilating.

I walked over to her, hating to see her in such a state.

I gently grabbed her shoulders.

"Christine, look at me, take a deep breath, you're going to do amazing, you can do this."

"Are you sure, I can do this, Celeste?" She asked me nervously, her eyes filling with nerves.

"Oui, you can and will do this," I reassured her with a smile.

One of the dancers came up to Christine, holding a cup filled with something.

"Here, Madame Carlotta told me to give this to you, she said it should help with the nerves."

I glanced at the cup, suspicion rising in my chest at the mention of Carlotta, she wasn't one to help anyone with their performances, why would she want to help Christine?

Before I could say anything Christine quickly took it, drank it, and shoved the cup into my hands as the music came on, her cue to go on stage.

I set the cup down and went to the curtains, peeking out through the cracks as I heard her begin to sing.

Her voice was beautiful and I found myself smiling, feeling happy that she got this chance, the disappointment and anger I had once had over her getting the solo over me disappearing.

Suddenly Christine stopped her hands touching her throat and I knew something was wrong.

She opened her mouth as if trying to sing again but nothing came out, she had lost her voice.

I could see panic spread across Christine's face as the crowd began to whisper, growing restless.

I looked at the crowd and then back at Christine, the music had completely stopped and she was standing there, shaking as tears overflowed her eyes.

I couldn't watch this any longer and quickly went on stage.

The crowd was throwing stuff at her, yelling about how awful she was as I guided her behind the curtains.

I was immediately stopped by Monsieur Reyer.

"You go out and try to sing, try to save this disaster of a scene!"

Before I could even protest he pushed me from behind the curtains and onto the stage.

I walked to the center of the stage and stood there for a moment, looking at the furious crowd as they continued to scream curses and harsh words at me. Some of them even started to leave and I took a deep breath, knowing what I had to do.

"Think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye, remember me, once in a while, please promise me you'll try,"

The crowd began to settle down, people returning to their seats as the orchestra started to resume and I gained more confidence.

"When you find that once again you long to take your heart back and be free if you ever find a moment spare a thought for me. We never said our love was evergreen or as unchanging as the sea, but if you can still remember stop and think of me..."

The crowd was staring at me, a look of mesmerization spreading across their faces and I couldn't help but smile.

"Think of all the things we've shared and seen, don't think about the way things might have been. Think of me, think of me waking, silent and resigned, imagine me trying so hard to put you from my mind. Recall those days, look back on all those times, think of the things we'll never do. There will never be a day when I won't think of you....."

I heard someone shout bravo from the distance, a voice that sounded familiar, I could feel a memory tugging at the back of my mind, but I ignored it, I had to continue.

"Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade, they have their season so do we, but please promise me that sometimes you will think!"

The crowd cheered, standing up from their seats and I curtsied, shocked that I had actually done it as the curtains closed shut.

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