Chapter 22 : Best Failure. Surprising Confession.

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"Arthit, can we talk for a moment?", Mr. Ha, his supervisor, asked him while he's going back to his desk after lunch.

"Yes, Sir.."

He followed Mr. Ha to his room. Once he sat, he saw Mr. Ha was looking for something in between his documents.

"Arthit, I want to say it directly. The announcement of your Management Development Program was out yesterday, and here's the letter for you..", Mr. Ha gave him an envelope.

He received the envelope with a super nervous feeling. He opened it, and started to read it, in front of Mr. Ha.

He failed. He kept staring the letter for a while, just in case he read it wrong, or maybe the one who typed the letter might be type it wrong. He's out of his mind for a moment.

"Arthit..", Mr. Ha called, with a low voice. He already knew the result, but he didn't want to bother Arthit by saying it directly.

"Yes, Sir. Sorry. I'm just..", Arthit couldn't continue his words.

"As we talked before, anything can happen, even the worst thing. Let's say, it's just a beginning for you, at least you're one step ahead than the others, and you've reached this far. You could try again next year, so.. nothing to worry, I guess.."

"Yes, Mr. Ha, I understand. Maybe I wasn't good enough in front of our directors and CEO.."

Mr. Ha smiled, as he tried to cheer Arthit up..

"Here's the thing, Arthit. First of all, I want to inform you, your batch was the biggest number that failed mostly. From 60 applicants, 60% were failed, and they still have a chance to apply next year, including you. So, you still have time for a year, to learn more.."

Arthit nodded.

"And then, I already asked the recruiter team, the reason why you failed.."

"What is it, Sir?", Arthit asked right away.

"Umm.. It's a common reason, actually. About the idea that you applied, was too common just like others. Their explanations were firmed though, this day the company need some innovation, something new and fresh. So I couldn't fight back against them.."

Arthit nodded, tried to understand.

"And also, Arthit.. They might think that you still need to learn. I saw that your final grade was good enough, but the others who passed were really impressed me, to be honest. Yeah, let's say it's a new thing for you to learn, right?"

"Yes, Sir.."

"Beside, you already knew before, once you passed your Senior Staff Development Program 2 years ago, many friends of you were failed. And that program was the first stage for junior staff. Look at you, you passed on that stage. It means that you're qualified. But, yeah, it's just about time. If we failed this time, there always a chance to fix it in the next time. As for now, improve your work quality, and prove that you're really more than just qualified. Understand it, Arthit?"

"Understood, Sir..", Arthit tried to smile.

"Good. You may leave, now. Stay focus, okay?"

"Yes, Sir..", Arthit nodded.

Arthit permitted himself to leave and go back to his desk. Once he sat in his desk, there's only one thing that's going on his mind, his boyfriend, Kongpop. He needed Kongpop, so much. His heart felt so bad.

He felt like, it's the biggest failure of his life, ever. He felt lost to other applicants. All words from Mr. Ha couldn't heal his feeling right away, it's just going out from his ear one by one, he couldn't absorb the words that he just heard anymore. He needed his boyfriend to calm his down. But not this time. He still had work to do. He tried so hard to focus.

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