Chapter 6 : "I'm The Most Happiest Guy In The World, P'Arthit"

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It's Saturday afternoon. As the plan before, Arthit will move to Kongpop's dorm today. Arthit already back from his task outside the town.

It's 3PM. Kongpop awoke from his short-nap once he heard his phone's ringing.

"Hello, P'Arthit.."

"Kongpop, are you home yet?"

"Yes, P'Arthit. You?"

"I'm still at campus, my last class just finished. Guess I wanna go home now".

"You want me to pick you up, P'Arthit?"

"No need, Kongpop. Nott will give me a ride. I'll call you once I'm home".

"Okay, P'Arthit. Take care."

Arthit hang up the phone. His stuff mostly already moved this morning. Just some little things left to move, and permit to the owner. Actually, each dorms belonged to one person only. If they had another person to live in one dorm, they have to pay 25% of the total cost for more. It still save 75% of the money anyway. This was what Arthit think before, they need to.. improve their relationship by living together, no such "too soon" words, knowing they're just almost 2 months relationship.

Kongpop heard the knocking sound of his door an hour later. There's someone he's waiting for.

"Kongpop, come help me, please.."

"Why don't you call me before, P'Arthit.."

"It's okay.. It's not that heavy.."

As got everything's in order, Arthit ask himself to go shower. It's 6 PM already. Kongpop stared at his whole dorm, a little bit changed of the look actually. But he felt.. never been happy like before.

Arthit's phone rang, showing the name "Namtarn" on it. As the owner still in the bathroom, so he decided to do nothing with it.

"P'Arthit, there's a phone call while you're showering", Kongpop said, once Arthit finished his shower.

"Who was it from?"

"Mmm.. P'Namtarn"

"Oh.. Okay.. Don't you wanna go shower, Kongpop?"

"Yes, P'Arthit. I'm about to go"

Just a second after Kongpop got in the bathroom, Arthit's phone rang again.

"Hello, Namtharn.."

"Oon, how you doing?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"I'm good as always. Am I disturbing you this time?"

"Not at all, I was in the shower before, sorry can't pick your call up"

"It's okay, Oon. So, you're home now?"

"Yeah, just got home from campus".

Arthit figured that it's gonna be a long phone call, somehow. So he decided to go to the balcony.

"Oon, I know you for so long, right?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"So, I think I'm gonna ask you straightaway. I heard this from Joy, actually."

"About what?"

"Please, Oon. Don't act like you have no idea of what I'm talking about".

Arthit knew it, exactly.

"Well, Namtarn.. So.. Yeah.. It's like what you heard.."

"Oon, I'm happy for you, seriously.. Sorry I can't help it but I already told Jay, and he's happy too, you know".

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