Santana and Dani ~One question One Love~ Part 28

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*Quinn's apartment*


I'm sitting on Quinn's couch I'm looking around its really nice. Quinn comes back with a cup of tea I take it and take a sip.

Dani: Thanks.

Quinn: You're welcome. So you want to tell me what happened?

Dani: Well Santana and I went to this new club called Club Nine. I was meeting a friend there. Brittany was there and she was a little drunk my friend wanted to dance and Santana said go ahead when I looked over at Brittany and Santana they were kissing.

Quinn: What?

Dani: Yeah.

Quinn: That doesn't sound like something Santana would do.

Dani: Well I seen them kissing.

Quinn: What did Santana say about it?

Dani: She said that Brittany kissed her.

Quinn: Than its probably true. I mean Santana would never cheat on you she loves you to much to ruin your guys relationship.

Dani: You think so?

Quinn: I know so.

My phone rings I take it out of my bra and look at the caller ID it is Santana.

Dani: I have to get this.

Quinn: Okay.

I get up and answer the phone.

*Phone conversation*

Dani: Before you say you say anything answer this question.

Santana: Okay.

Dani: When Brittany kissed you did you feel anything?

Santana: No the only time I feel anything is when I kiss you. Dani if I didn't love you or care about you I wouldn't have said yes when you proposed you are the only one for me.

Dani: Good.

Santana: So can you come home now? Please.

Dani: I'm on my way.

Santana: Okay.

*End of conversation*

I look at Quinn.

Dani: I have to go.

Quinn: I figured.

Dani: Thank you.

I hug Quinn.

Quinn: You're welcome and remember that my apartment is always open for you.

Dani: Thank you.

I walk out of her apartment.

Santana and Dani ~One question One Love~ (Sequel to Santana and Dani)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora