Santana and Dani ~One question One Love~ Part 11

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Once I told Dani that I wanted to come here to tell my parents about us she got excited. Now we are in a rental car and she is nervous. I look at her and smile she gives me a small smile.

Santana: You ready to go?

Dani: What if they don't like me?

Santana: They'll love you.

I take her hand in mine and kiss it. She let's out a sigh.

Dani: Okay let's go

Dani gets out of the car so do I grab her hand and we walk up the path. I ring the doorbell. My mom answers the door and smiles.

Maribel: Hi Santana.

Santana: Hi mom.

Maribel: Who is this?

Santana: This is Dani my fiance.

My mom gets excited and starts speaking spanish really fast. She does that when she gets very excited.

Maribel: Come in come in.

My mom grabs my hand and Dani's hand she pulls us into the house.

Maribel: Antonio!

My dad comes into the living room. My mom starts speaking spanish to my dad I don't know what she's saying cause she's talking low. My dad looks at us and smiles.

Antonio: Congratulations.

Santana: Thank you.

Antonio: When are you guys going back to New York?

Santana: Tomorrow.

Antonio: Good it gives me a chance to get to know Dani.

Santana: Just be nice.

Antonio: I will be Dani can you come with me?

Dani looks at me and I nod my head.

Santana: You'll be okay.

Dani: Okay.

Dani walks off with my dad.


I follow Santana's dad into a office. When I walk in he shuts the door and sits at a desk.

Antonio: Have a seat Dani.

Dani: Okay.

Antonio: So tell me a little about yourself.

Dani: Well I'm from Dallas Texas, I am twenty year old now, I work at the Spotlight Diner with your daughter, I play guitar, and sing sometimes.

Antonio: Any brothers or sisters?

Dani: I have an older sister.

Antonio: Do plan on going to school or anything?

Dani: Actually I haven't even thought about it, sir.

Santana's dad laughs.

Antonio: Please call Antonio.

Dani: Okay s...Antonio.

Antonio: Thank you. There is another reason why I wanted to speak to you.

Dani: What's that?

Antonio: I want you to have this.

Antonio opens a drawer and hands me a box I grab it and open it there is a ring in it a gasp.

Antonio: This ring was my mothers I gave it to my wife as an engagment ring , but it got to small for her when she had Santana so I had to get her a new one. I want you to have it I know that she already has an engagment ring, but you could use this one as a wedding ring if you like.

Yeah its a cheap engagment ring that I got at a pawn shop.

Dani: I'll replace the one she has on with this one.

I look up and smile at him he smiles back and gets up I get up as well he gives me a hug.

Antonio: I guess we better get you back Santana is probably wondering what's going on.

Dani: Probably.

Antonio and I leave the office. I'm looking at the ring. I can't believe that he let me have this ring.

Santana and Dani ~One question One Love~ (Sequel to Santana and Dani)Where stories live. Discover now