Santana and Dani ~One question One Love~ Part 30

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Okay here is another part just like I said that I would.

*The loft*


I'm sitting on the couch waiting for Dani to get home. The door opens and I get up I see Dani she is holding her cheek.

Santana: What happened?

Dani: Uh, I kind of got slapped by Sara.

Santana: What when?

Dani: A little bit ago.

Santana: Wait you saw her?

Dani: Yeah.

Santana: When?

Dani: When I was on my way here.

Dani is avoiding eye contact with me, but why?

Santana: Did something else happen?

Dani's eyes get wide. She doesn't answer she just walks to the fridge and grabs a icepack.

Santana: Baby answer me.

Dani: Yes.

Santana: What was it?

Dani: She...she kissed me.

I just stand there shocked it feels like I'm going to explode.

Santana: She what?

Dani: She kissed me.

Santana: I'm going to kill her.

Dani: No you're not.

Santana: Watch me.

Dani: You're not going to hurt her.

Santana: Why are you defending that bitch?

Dani: Whoa bitch? Uh excuse me who is the one who got kissed by her ex earlier?

Santana: So you think that we are even now?

Dani: I guess so.

Santana: Did you enjoy it?

Dani: What?

Santana: I asked did you enjoy it.

I'm yelling now and Rachel comes out of her room.

Rachel: What's going on?

Santana: Just go to back to bed Berry!

Dani: Hey don't yell at her she had nothing to do with this.

Santana: Just answer the damn question Dani! Did you enjoy it?

Dani: You want the truth?

Santana: If your capable of telling the truth.

Dani: Oh I'm more than capable of telling the truth. The question here is are you?

Santana: What do you mean by that?

Dani: Did you enjoy the kiss from Brittany? Be honest don't give me this crap about me being the only one that can make you feel good by kissing you.

Santana: You used to be.

I see Dani look at me in shock than I realize what I just said.

Santana and Dani ~One question One Love~ (Sequel to Santana and Dani)Where stories live. Discover now