Sanatana and Dani~One question One Love~ Part 15

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Did she just say that she has to go back to Texas?

Santana: What?

Dani: I have to go back to Texas.

Santana: W...why?

Dani: My mom doesn't have much time to live and she wants to see me.

Santana: Are you sure this is something that your dad didn't just make up just to get you home?

Dani: I'm sure Santana I talked with the doctor.

Santana: Well I'm going with you.

Dani: You don't have to.

Santana: Baby I'm not going to let you go through this alone we are a team now.

Dani: We will be down there for a while.

Santana: As long as it takes I'll be there right next to you.

I pull her in a hug I can tell that she is hurting but she's trying to be strong.

*Two hours later*


I'm sitting on the couch with Quinn. Rachel is talking about something but I'm not really paying attention I'm to focused on my mom. Santana had to go to work she didn't really want to leave me, but Quinn and Rachel said that they would stay with me. Blaine and Kurt said that would stay but they had a date I told them just to go. Rachel is snapping her fingers at me.

Dani: What?

Rachel: I asked if your wedding was going to have a theme to it.

Dani: Oh uh, I don't know you would have to speak to Santana about that.

I get up and start to walk off.

Rachel: Wait where are you going?

Dani: To the bathroom.

Rachel: Okay.

I walk off.


I'm at work at I really don't want to be here I should be with Dani. I lean against the counter there is like no one here. Gunther comes out from the back.

Gunther: Lopez you can go I'm closing the diner early.

Thank God. I leave the diner I walk home when I finally get there the first thing I do is get changed. Than I walk out to the living room I see Quinn and Rachel but no Dani.

Santana: Where is Dani.

Rachel: Bathroom.

Santana: Oh okay.

Quinn: Come to think of it she's been in there for a while.

I walk to the bathroom and knock.

Santana: Baby?

Dani: Go away.

I can Dani is crying I knock again.

Santana: Baby let me in please.

I'm yelling Rachel and Quinn walk up to me.

Quinn: What's going on?

Santana: Dani is in there and she won't let me in.

Rachel: I have an idea.

Santana: If its a song I'm not doing it.

Rachel: Santana.

Quinn: I'm okay with that what song do you have in mind?

Rachel smiles and whispers to us. I sigh and Rachel starts to sing.

Santana and Dani ~One question One Love~ (Sequel to Santana and Dani)Where stories live. Discover now