Santana and Dani ~One question One Love~ Part 7

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*At some diner*


Rachel and I are sitting at a booth I'm looking around cause I've never been to this diner it has a place where you can sing just like Spotlight Diner.

Rachel: So, why isn't Santana with you?

Dani: I told her that I needed to be alone.

Rachel: Why?

Dani: Its stupid now that I think about it.

Rachel: Oh come on just tell me I'm not going to judge you.

Rachel grabs my hand I smile I sigh.

Dani: Well my ex auditioned for the band and Santana became so judgemental. Its like she thought if my ex joined the band she would...

Rachel: Try to take you away from her.

Dani: Yeah, but she should know that I would never let that happen. I mean if I didn't want to be with Santana I wouldn't have...

Rachel: Proposed?

I chuckle.

Dani: Yeah.

Rachel: All I know is that Santana gets very protective over the people that she loves and she get jealous easy.

Dani: I've noticed.

I put a hand through my hair.


I'm sitting on the stage staring at the wall. I don't understand why Dani is so upset. I mean yeah she was right I was assuming that Sara would come in and try to take Dani away from me if she joined the band. I should know that Dani wouldn't let that happen. I start to play with my engagement ring I look down at it and smile. Kurt comes up to me and nudges me I look up at him.

Santana: Hey.

Kurt: Hey, how are you?

I shrug my shoulders and look down.

Santana: I don't even know how to answer that.

Kurt: Well try I'm here for you.

Santana: Thanks.

I start talking and Kurt just sits there and listens.

Sorry this was so short. I was thinking about putting Beyoncé songs on the next part. What songs of hers should I use?

Santana and Dani ~One question One Love~ (Sequel to Santana and Dani)Where stories live. Discover now