Chapter Two

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    "Morning Arizona. :)" was the first thing I read this morning, a smile to carved its way onto my face. Wayne likes calling me Arizona because I love Arizona tea.

    Wayne and I have been talking for about two months now and only Hayley knows we're talking and nobody else does. "Morning. Even though it's like 2 in the afternoon in London.". I also found out he lives in London and he knows I live in California.

    "Haha yeah. How did you sleep?"

    "Good, I guess. I got about four hours of sleep again.. :/"

    "Do you have a Skype??"

    "Uh yeah..." I tell him my user name and check my Skype a few minutes later. And holy shit, actually sent me a contact request. I accept it and he sends me a message.

    "Want to video chat without the video?" He asks. I smile and type yes. He calls me and I answer the call. It was silent for a while, he must of thought I was going to talk first. Yeah, right.

    "I take it you're too shy to talk to me?" He asks. Oh. My. God. His voice is just... Wow. Ever heard somebody's voice and you are just like, 'wow'? Well, yeah, that's about how I feel. And a British accent is my weakness.

    "Yeah..." I trail off. He slightly laughs.

    "You have a cute voice," He says. I feel my cheeks heat up. Never in my life have I had a guy call my voice cute. Ever. I mean, it's not really a common thing to hear from a guy.

    "Uh, thanks... Your voice is... Cute, too?" I say. I hear him laugh again.

    "Thanks Arizona." He teases.

    "Is it necessary to call me that?" I ask smiling.

    "Do you have a Arizona tea near you?" He asks. I look can of Arizona next to me and move it. "I heard you move something. So, I take that as a yes?"

    "It's good, okay?" I fake whine. He laughs loudly. I hear footsteps then a knock on my door. "Be quiet." I whisper. I change the window to Tumblr instead of Skype. "Come in!" Kevin walks in looking confused.

    "I heard someone talking..." He trails off looking around my room. "I had some music on just before you knocked on my door," I say.

    "Oh, okay. Bye." He walks out of my room, closing the door behind him.

    "Who was that?" Wayne asks.

    "My older brother, Kevin," I say.

    "Oh, does he not know we are talking?"

    "No! He is super protective," I say. My phone starts to ring so I grab it and answer. "Hey! I am at your house and I am coming up to your room," Hayley says and my room door opens.

    "You idiot." I laugh through the phone and to her, then put my phone down.

    "Wayne, as you could probably hear, my best friend, Hayley, just arrived," I say. Hayley grabs a chair and sits next to me.

    "Hello," Wayne says.

    "Damn! You have a super cute voice!" Hayley yells. He laughs.

    "I've been told by Meredith." He boasts, making me and Hayley laugh.

    "Why is there no video?" Hayley asks.

    "Because I'm too shy," I say.

    "Wayne, turn on your camera and I'll turn on Meredith's, deal?" Hayley says grabbing my mouse. I freak out and run away and out of sight.

    "Sure," I hear Wayne say.

    "Hi! That's a lot better. Nice shirt!" Hayley yells. I laugh.

    "Thanks? It's my sister's..." I walk into sight, covering my face, I wanna see this shirt. I glance and burst into a fit of laughter. It was a Taylor Swift shirt.

    "Hi Meredith, nice to see you," He says smiling. My heart skipped a beat, he was just so damn cute. He had dark brown-almost chocolate colored. His eyes were a bright blue, almost like a the sky. And his smile was so bright and cheerful, it made me smile.

    "Hi," I shyly say.

    "You two, are just cute," Hayley says. I glare at her and push her off of her chair.

    "No shoving!" Wayne and Hayley say at the same time, making both of them laugh. I smile at their silliness.

    "Mere's awkward and when somebody compliments her she tells them to shut the fuck up, hits them or shoves them," Hayley says. Wayne smiles.

    "Note taken," He says. I smile and my cheeks heat up. Hayley pokes my cheek, grinning. "So, Meredith and Hayley, how many siblings do both of you have?"

    "I have one. And he is in college!" Hayley answers.

    "I have too many! Well, let me see... There's Kevin, then me, then Sam, Maria, Jaylen and Justin and Daxton and Kayla." I reply counting on my fingers.

    "Wow. Are there any twins?" Wayne asks.

    "Yeah! Jaylen and Justin are twins. And Maria is adopted," I say. "What about you?"

    "Well, as you already know, I have a sister," He says pointing at his shirt, "But I also have a brother."

    "How old are you and your siblings?" Hayley asks.

    "Well, I'm nineteen, my sister, Josie, is fifteen, and my brother, Landon, is seventeen. What about you and your sibling?"

    "I am eighteen and my brother, Jason, is twenty-one." Hayley replies. Hayley looks at me wanting me to say something.

    "I just turned nineteen, Kevin is twenty, Sam is fifteen, Maria is twelve, Jaylen and Justin are nine, Daxton is three and Kayla is three months old." I finish, out of breath. "That's too many people to name and state ages for." I grab my can of Arizona tea and take a sip.

    "No! Bad Meredith!" Wayne yells. Hayley laughs as I take a long drink.

    "Well, I have to go shopping for my mum, talk to you later?" Wayne asks. "Yeah, definitely!" I say.

    "Alright! Bye!" He ends the call.

    "Holy shit..." I trail off.

    "You just talked to a boy without stuttering!" Hayley yells grabbing my shoulders. "And he's super cute! Good job!"

    "I'm not a dog, Hayley," I say, glaring at her. And all she did was laugh.

    "Oh! So the reason I was here was to tell you Jason is coming home tomorrow!" She yells falling back onto my bed.

    "Seriously?" I say falling onto my bed also. "How long is he staying?"

    "The whole weekend!"

~~2 weeks later~~

    "Oh my gosh. Hayley, I don't want to be here!" I yell over the music.

    "Live a little, Mere!" She yells back. Hayley dragged me to a huge party. I hate parties and she knew that. I turn my head to the left and see couples-or at least I hope-grinding. I shiver and turn my head back to look at Hayley, but she's gone. I cross my arms over my chest and start shoving through people. I finally make it to the kitchen, where other teenagers were snorting cocaine. And then my nose fills with the scent of vomit. I gag and quickly make my way out the front door and to the sidewalk, where I throw up. I don't do well with even the thought of vomit.

    I start walking down the sidewalk. I would call my dad to come pick me up, but Hayley wouldn't let me grab my phone or money. I reach an old cafe and I contemplate if I should go in there to ask for a phone, but hey, I've got nothing to lose, so I walked in. There was an old lady behind the counter, who looked up when she heard the bell.

    "Hello," She greets with a small wave.

    "Hi. I'd hate to ask, but do you have a phone I could use?" I ask. She nods and gestures for me to come behind the counter. She points to the phone hidden below the counter.

    "Thank you, ma'am." I pick up the phone and dial my home phone number.

    It rings a few times before someone finally answered. "Hello?" Mom answers. She acted like she was worried, probably because she is near dad.

    "Hey, can you come pick me up?" I ask her. I hear her fake sigh in relief.

    "Yeah, where are you?" I hear the sounds of the keys and then the car starting.

    "Across the street from Forever 21, in a small cafe." I say looking across the street. There's only one Forever 21 I shop at so she should know which one.

    "Alright, I don't know how bad traffic is so just wait there for however long, okay?"

    "Okay. See you soon," I say and hang up the phone. I look at the old woman and smile, "Thank you again," I say. She nods.

    "My name is Ingrid Clark. If you don't mind me asking, why were you walking down the streets by yourself, alone? It's dangerous," she says, holding out her hand, which I take.

    "Meredith Taylor. My friend dragged me to this party and I didn't walk to be there so I just walked away," I say, shaking her hand.

    "So, I take it you're not like most teenagers?"

    "No! I prefer to be at home, drinking tea, than being at parties, doing you know what."

    "My grandson is just like that. He's a sweet kid, but he lives in London." My heart jumps a little, her words reminding me of Wayne. We haven't really talked lately because he's been super busy.

    "Would you like something to drink?" She asks and I shake my head. Just then, Mom walks through the door.

    "Traffic, was for once, good." Mom pants. I laugh and shuffle out from behind the counter.

    "Bye, Miss Clark," I say smiling and waving as I walk out of the building. I walk over to Mom's car and neither of us say anything the whole way home. But as soon as we get in the door she grabs my arm and drags me into the kitchen.

    "Mitch! Come into the kitchen please!" Mom yells.

    "What are you doing?" I ask as dad walks into the kitchen.

    "Mitch, I found your daughter at a old cafe. Alone." Mom points at me. The tone in her voice was obvious, she just wanted dad to yell at me.

    "Why were you at the cafe alone? And how did you get there?" Dad asks, crossing his arms.

   "Hayley dragged me to a party and-" I start, but dad cuts me off. "A party?"

   "Yes, a party. But I didn't stay there because I hate parties with a passion. And I was walking-"

    "Alone? At this time of night? In Los Angeles?"

    "Yes, dad. Anyways, I found this old cafe and I walked in and asked to use a phone and happily the lady there let me use it." I finish explaining. Mom looks at me disappointed, while Dad looks at me a little mad and sad.

    "Why didn't you tell us you were going to the party?" Dad asks nicely.

    "I didn't even know I was going until Hayley came in my room and made me change into some decent clothes then dragged me out of the house without telling me where we were going," I say calmly, because right now I was starting to get irritated.

    "I doubt it. You're such a slut, all you do is party." Mine and dad's jaw drops.

    "Leigh-Anne! That is not acceptable, you apologize!" Dad yells at Mom. She's always been like this, since her and dad got married, but I have a feeling now she has taken it too far.

    "No! She doesn't an apology!" She yells back to Dad.

    "What does Meredith not deserve?" I turn around and see Kevin standing in the doorway.

    "Nothing, Kevin, go to your room."

    "An apology for calling me a slut." I say and Kevin looks me in the eyes, only to see they are full of tears. I feel them running down my cheek.

    "What the hell! Why the hell would you call her a slut?" Kevin asks, hugging me.

    "Oh, I don't know, maybe because she is!" She yells, I cry harder.

    "Okay! For one: never, ever call my daughter a slut! And I am going to give you one more chance, since you have blown the other two!" Dad yells. I felt Kevin pick me up and start carrying me to my room. A few seconds later, he sets me down in my bed.

    "Don't believe that bitch. Got it?" He says looking me in the eye. I nod.

    "Alright good, goodnight sis. Love you." He kisses my forehead and leaves. Sometimes I hate having a protective brother, and sometimes-like in times like this-it's nice. I close my eyes and soon fall asleep.


    "You ungrateful bitch! Get out of my house!" I heard Dad yell. I slowly open my door and quietly walk down the stairs. I look into the living room. Leigh-Anne and Dad have been fighting for the past few hours. Since fucking four am, like who does that! When they came into sight, Leigh-Anne storms out of the house.

    "Dad?" I say, he turns to me.

    "She wasn't worth it," Dad says hugging me.

    "But she was your wife, you loved her."

    "Honestly, I only married her so my children could have a mom, but that didn't turn out to well," He says and laughs. My jaw drops. "I'm just kidding, but I love my kids more."

    "Dad, I have something to tell you..."

    "Yes?" He asks looking at me.

    "Let's go in the kitchen," We walk into the kitchen and he starts making breakfast. "So, you know that site I go onto all the time?"

    "Tumble? Or something like that?"

    "Tumblr.. So, I started talking to this boy on there about two and half months ago, and he is really nice, and we skyped about two weeks ago. And we haven't talked since. Is there a chance I scared him or annoyed him?" I ask Dad.

    "I doubt it. Everybody likes you! You don't scare or annoy people," He says. I bite my lip and sit at the table. 


Hey! So, I decided I am going to give myself a posting schedule. 

I am going to post a new chapter every Saturday and if I forget then it will be posted on Sunday.

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~~Bethany Grace~~

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