Prologue (Meredith's POV)

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It was a typical night in the Taylor house, lights off in every room, except my room. The only light illuminating my room was my laptop screen. I was the only one awake-even though it was about four in the morning, I rarely go to sleep at a decent time anymore. I was my scrolling through my Tumblr, when I had the urge to talk to someone. But my family is asleep. Shit. I looked at how many followers I had on Tumblr, nearly ten thousand. I was always active and people liked that, and I posted and re-blogged a lot of pictures. I clicked on the chat-post icon and started writing a post, though I do doubt anyone would actually read it. 

"Hello! I am really bored and it's like four in the morning... Somebody wanna talk? Just message me and be expecting a message back. ;)" I write. I sigh and click on the blue icon that read "post". I was on for another hour or so, talking to a girl until she had to go. I decided to-regrettably-look at the time. Five o'clock in the morning. I rubbed my eyes and shut my laptop. I stretched and climbed under my huge, fluffy comforter. I close my eyes and fall into a short sleep.

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