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(Capital of the Kingdom of Silla) 

 -Year 653 CE


 Beads of sweat had formed on Banryu's forehead, rolling down his temples before dripping down his chin, but he remained steady and pulled back the string, aiming the arrow to where the doe's heart was.

Ever since he woke up earlier this morning, he had a very uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach... but he couldn't pinpoint the reason why he did on this particular day.

 Closing one eye, he stayed in that position as he waited for the perfect opportunity to let go of the arrow while the doe nibble on the grass, unaware of what was about to happen next.

There was a noise in distance and the doe suddenly looked up, flicking its ears up as it still had some uneaten grass in its mouth.

He was not afraid to miss the shot... as he was famous for never missing a target in his sight. 

The noise of horses galloping behind him became clearer, but Banryu held his position.

"Prince Banryu! There's more over here!" 

Just before the doe had any time to turn to run off, Banryu let go of the arrow that was between his fingers, letting the arrow fly for a moment before it embedded itself into the doe's chest.

The doe fell down, dead. 

Banryu sighed, as he put his bow down just as his comrades came just in time, circling their horses around the fallen doe that he just shot down.

"If you had yelled any louder I would've aimed the arrow at your throat." 

He says to one of them as he walked back to his horse, and seated himself back on the saddle as he took up the reins in his hand and pulled on it, rearing the horse to turn around.

"Forgive me, Prince Banryu." He says as he bowed his head and got down and fetched the game Banryu had struck, and placed it behind his horse's saddle to carry it back to the palace.

"Prince Banryu!" A different voice called for him, and he turned his head and saw general Suho coming towards him, before pulling back the reins for his horse to slow to a trot. 

"What is it?" Banryu asked Suho, who was his long time friend and body guard. 

"You must come back to the palace now... the King wants to speak with you." Suho reported to Banryu, who then had an uneasy feeling in his stomach again but ignored it once more.

After arriving at the doors of the court room, Banryu was dressed formally in his royal garbs with his long black hair in a half up pony tail while the rest flowed down his chest... he was famously known as the most handsome Prince in the Kingdom of Silla, taken credit of the palace ladies. 

Being the Emperor's and Empress' second born son, he grew up to be a proud and ambitious young man

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Being the Emperor's and Empress' second born son, he grew up to be a proud and ambitious young man. He was also known to be very good in martial arts, being enrolled in Master Yuin's school in his early years... taken up the skills in the bow and arrow as well as welding a sword.

"Your highness!" The emperor's head eunuch announced. "The second Prince has arrived!"

The tall doors opened, and Banryu stepped inside the court house... walking in the middle path of the large and grand room.

At the end of the large hall, sitting up upon the golden throne was King Muyeol of Silla.

He radiated a intimidating aura due to his tall and broad built body and his features were strong and distinctive with eyebrows black and thick, and his beard was long and full as he had a striking straight nose and full wide lips.

Despite his appearance, his personality was of a good man who wanted the best for his kingdom and spoke of only goodness and judged on anyone fairly. 

"Your majesty..." Banryu says after he greeted the King with a bow.

"Arise... my son." The King says, and Banryu lifted his head up. 

The King wasted no time in telling Banryu the reason of why he wanted him to be called into the court.

"Although we have won victory over the collapse of Baekje... it is preparing its army to wage another war against us while I am speaking. They already have plans to ally with Japan to have a stronger army and navy, which we will not let them do so."

There was a sense of relief that came over Banryu... since he thought the King was going to offer him the marriage discussion. After all... Banryu was at the prime age to be married already.

Banryu never liked the thought of marriage, and always fixated his attention on martial arts which was why his experience with women were limited in comparison to his older brother who already had a handful of wives and concubines. 

"Your majesty, are you going to send me off to the battle grounds in Kongyu?" He asked hopefully.

"No," The King shook his head, and the uneasy feeling in Banryu's stomach came in with a full force, the next words the King spoke next didn't impact him until later that day. 

"I am sending you and General Suho to Chang'an, China to ask Emperor Gaozong to secure a military aid with our kingdom first. We need to gather reinforcements, supplies and weapons before we can destroy the rest of the Kingdom of Baekje with Tang." 

Silla and the Tang dynasty still had a strong and ongoing alliance... and that was because King Muyeol and Emperor Gaozong were old friends before they both took their own thrones.

King Muyeol was a great support to the Emperor, and the Emperor returned the support to King Muyeol, and because of that, King Muyeol trusted Prince Banryu to make the trip. 

  "Are you willing to accept this mission? The whole Kingdom of Silla will be depending the help from Tang on you... Banryu." The King tells him, but Banryu remained unmoved... as there were many questions and thoughts about the matter revolving around inside his head.  

After a moment, Banryu bowed his head... and finally answered the King back.

"I accept the mission... Your Majesty." 

What did you all think of the first chapter?? Don't be afraid and let me know what you think! I love to read your comments! 😊❤

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