Remember Me [3]

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The door swung open and I fell forward onto the floor, my face facing the carpeted floor. I glanced up to see two legs dressed with grey trousers and some smart shoes. It was defiantly not Eric.

“What are you doing?” Dr. Hartley asked me, looking down at me.

I let out a nervous giggle. “Nothing.”

“This is a private check-up Miss Bloomwood,” he explained, “it is really rude to try and eavesdrop.”

“I’m…I’m really sorry,” I said, getting up. “I’m just going to go now.”

Giving Eric, who stood there trying not to start laughing, a quick glance, I stepped out of the room and my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I scratched my head and walked away from the room. I am never doing that again. 


Eric's check up had finished so dad had made him help him in the farm. Whilst he was doing that, I slouched back on the couch with my right leg up on the table and glued my eyes to the TV. I don’t usually watch Judge Judy but today I was in the mood for it. I munched on my red apple as the man in the TV began to argue with his girlfriend, who looks about twenty years older than him.

“Oh come on,” I complained as the advert came on.

Just I took another bite from my apple; Harry appeared in front of me like some magician. I rolled my eyes and tried to watch TV as the advert was now finished but Harry was blocking it. 

"Move," I cried, "the advert is over now and I’m missing the good bit."

"We need to talk," he said seriously.

 The TV switched off and he sat next me. "What do you want to talk about?" 

"Have you forgotten that Jay is coming today," he told me, "and I’m pretty sure he's still crushing on you which is disgu-"

"He's coming here?" I interrupted. "Damn, I forgot! I was so busy with Eric that I had forgotten he was coming back from his holiday." 

"You would," he said. 

"For how long?" 

"As long as he wants." 

"You mean he's going to be staying over again?" 

I gulped. Jay Turner was Harry's high school best friend. The last time I saw him was a month ago at a festival and that was when he asked me out. It broke his heart when I replied with a harsh no. I wasn't meant to be mean, the words just popped out of my mouth. I felt bad ever since. But what's the point of going out with him if I won’t love him? Love. It makes me laugh by just thinking about it.

"No he's not." 

"Thank God," I sighed with relief. 

"Try not to break his heart." 

"That was an accident last time." I smiled cheekily, "when's he coming?" 

The doorbell rang and Harry shrugged his shoulder. "Now I guess." 

"Why didn't you tell me before so I could go out of this house before he came?" 

"That's why," he said. "I saw him pull up by the driveway so I decided to remind you now." 

With that he jumped off the couch and left me alone in living room. Idiot. If he thought I was going to meet Jay. Well he was wrong. I am going to climb out window and get in the car, hit the gas and get out of here. I opened the window wide enough for me to fit through and began to climb out but I stopped at the sound of someone’s voice from behind me. 

"Don't bother," said a voice, which was probably Harrys'.

"Huh?" I suddenly lost my balance and fell out of the window. Luckily it wasn't that high otherwise I would have broken something. 

I heard footsteps run towards the window and a three heads stared at me, laughing. I scowled at them and brushed the dirt of me.  

"Are you okay?" Eric asked from the window with a smirk on his face. 

"I'm fine," I muttered. 

"Let me help you," said the new voice from behind me. It was Jay. 

He looked different than last time. His brown hair was shorter and the colour seemed lighter. His height seemed to have increased and his fashion had changed a lot. He was wearing jeans, a white shirt and a blazer on top. Before, he always used to wear jogging bottoms and a baggy top. It’s nice to see that he has matured. He looked a lot smarter. His eyes were the dark brown and they sparkled every time the sunlight hit them. 

"I don't need any help." 

He reached out his hand not caring about what I had said. "Your stubbornness is always there."

"I am not stubborn!" I retorted, getting up on my own. 

"It's nice to see you again, Rose," Jay said. That was a little late. 

"Yeah, you too," I muttered. "I'm going inside now." 

"By the door?" 

"No, by digging an underground tunnel," I replied sarcastically. 

He laughed. "Let's go." 


A/N:  So I added a new character and I really have a lot of plans with this! I'm so excited to write this. I hope you enjoyed this and please support it.

Awesome cover by iawesomer (its im the name ahaha)=====>>

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Remember Me [F I N I S H E D - I S H - will be rewriting soon]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz