3. Percabeth (again)

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Anyway I'll probably die out again HAHAHA I'm rotting behind my tumblr liway-way (*cough* promo *cough* porn blogs please stop following me *cough*). Anyway I just wanted to write this headcanon because I'm procrastinating and I stan Hamilton with all my soul.

"You'll never guess what I just scored," Annabeth said, flopping on the couch next to Percy. Her eyes were twinkling and she had suddenly gained the energy of a hyper five-year-old on sugar. Percy looked up, eyes strained from reading multiple reviewers for his upcoming entrance exam. He was exhausted and about ready to drop, but seeing Annabeth so happy somehow ignited a warmth in him and pushed his lips up into a smile. "Well, my lucky guess is you scored a 102 on your test today," he said, setting aside his papers. "Wasn't it?"

"No," Annabeth grinned even wider, bopping up and down. "Come on, guess again."

"Uh, you got chosen to design another architectural monument for the gods?"

"I scored tickets to Hamilton!"

"Wait, seriously?" Percy said, his eyes popping out. "But I thought tickets wouldn't be available until next year!"

"I tried my luck at a Ham4Ham lottery. Boom! I got the email this morning." Annabeth smirked, raising her eyebrows. "Hmm, could've sworn you said you weren't into musicals about history."

"I--" He blushes, breaking eye contact with Annabeth. "Well, it may or may not have rubbed off on me..."

A couple of months ago, Annabeth discovered Hamilton. It was all she could talk about and sing about and play in the car whenever she and Percy drove to school. "A rap musical! About the Founding Fathers! Played by incredible actors and actresses! Did you know that Lin-Manuel Miranda is a child of Athena?" she would say to anyone who would listen. "Genius! It wasn't totally accurate, but so was Titanic, and it was still a hit..."

Percy pretended to be annoyed at first, but he could no longer stand not belting out to Schuyler Sisters or rapping Cabinet Battle #1 whenever it would play. Soon enough, he bonded over with it with Annabeth and attended the Ham4Hams in their spare time.

Eventually, the ache to see it live got the better of them, and each started dropping $10 for their luck at the lottery. They did it weekly for months to no avail, but today the long-awaited email popped up in Annabeth's inbox.

"So when do we get to watch?" Percy asks, resting his head on Annabeth's shoulder. She pulls out her phone and checks the screenshot. "We have second row seats, premium on Wednesday. Hey, we can finally do the stage door thingy that they always do! Maybe get the cast to sign our playbills." Percy leans up to kiss her cheek. "Man, I love you. I can't wait already."

One week later, Annabeth and Percy wound their way through the growing crowds and into the lobby of the Richard Rodgers Theatre. "I heard that their dance captain is leaving the show today," Percy whispers to Annabeth, who was drinking in the sights with her jaw dropped. "You mean Morgan Marcell?" she whispers back, presenting her ticket to the usher. "Yeah, I heard too. Oh my gods, Percy, look at the set!" She grabbed his arm and started pointing wildly towards the stairs and lights. "Oh my gods, that's where Hamilton goes in the opening number...and that's where Jefferson walks around in during What'd I Miss...and the orchestra pit! You think Alex Lacamoire is conducting?"

"The show will begin in five minutes," the intercom sounds, and Percy peeked at his playbill. "Yes, he is conducting," he said, nudging his girlfriend. Annabeth turns towards him, eyes glinting wickedly. "I still can't believe this is happening. Percy, we're watching Hamilton!" She sneaked a kiss right when Aaron Burr began snapping along to the first lyrics.

All throughout the show, Annabeth mouthed the lyrics to the songs. Her hand never left Percy's. When curtain call rolled around, both were teary eyed and giving standing ovations like the rest of the crowd. They clapped until their hands were red and filed out the door once the theatre was fairly devoid of people. "We are still staying for stage door, right?" Percy asked, Sharpie gripped tightly in his hand and playbill in the other. "Yep. No way I'm missing it," Annabeth said. "But maybe we should grab a hot drink or something. I don't really think the cast is gonna come out immediately after doing the show. Plus, it's freezing."

Grab a drink they did, and by the time they got back, the stage door had just swung open and a chorus of Happy Trails had ensued. Soon enough, Annabeth and Percy had their playbills signed by Mandy Gonzales, Brandon Victor Dixon, Andrew Chappelle and Lexi Lawson.

The two walked away that night, happiness bubbling in their souls and holding hands and swinging their arms. "After you," Percy opened the passenger seat for Annabeth and popped the ignition once he made sure that she was seated securely. "What a day, huh?" he said, glancing at Annabeth. "Yeah. What a day." He pecked her cheek and began driving. "What was that for?" she asked, still smiling. "Nothing," Percy responded, taking Annabeth's left hand. "Just wanted to know that when I look into your eyes you leave me helpless."

"And I thought all you knew was Schuyler Sisters," she muttered under her breath.



Anyway this hc was just me geeking out because I stan Hamilton so much lmao

Hmu on my other account on which I'm more active on aka quiescences or u could hit my tumblr up @liway-way

Question: What's your favorite song in Hamilton?

Bye-o have a great day

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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