He told me the order was to take as many of us in alive as possible, but at the same time, they were authorized to shoot to kill whenever necessary. A large percentage of the invaders didn't want to take any chances. They knew Dauntless' reputation and would rather take us down as quickly as possible rather than risk losing their own lives.

"They confiscated all the paperwork, including all the contracts. They know who signed the new one and who didn't. Between that and the blue tattoos, we should be fine," Zeke spoke through the bars.

"And those that did sign? What happens to them?"

Zeke puffed up his cheeks, blowing out an exasperated breath. "Well, they'll stand trial. And...if they're found guilty, they'll get the death penalty."

My eyes widened. "That's insane!" I shook my head in disbelief. All those men and women thought they were doing the right thing by following orders. Was there really no hope for them?

Eric grumbled. He was waking up.

"Don't tell him," I whispered to Zeke. "He's been through enough with losing Leanne. No soldier should know when he is going to die. Even Eric."

Eric rolled over the edge of his cot, landing on his hands and knees. He looked over to Zeke and then to me, eventually crawling over to the bars as close to us as he could get before pulling himself up. "Please..." his voice cracked. "Please tell me that was all a bad dream. Tell me we're only locked up for drunken misconduct or something equally ridiculous."

Neither Zeke nor I could answer, unable to find the words, unable to say it out loud.

"Leanne?" Eric searched our expressions for an answer.

I shook my head ever so slightly in response. He deserved to know.

"No, no. She can't be gone. No!"

"Eric, calm down. You're gonna get a beating if the guards come in." Zeke's warning only infuriated Eric more as he paced in his cell whimpering under his breath until his eyes came to rest on me.

"You! You stopped me from helping her." He pointed at me with a shaking finger. "She'd still be alive if you hadn't stopped me."

"No." I shook my head. "You're delusional if you thought you could walk into that mob and come out alive."

"You let her die!" Eric yelled at the top of his lungs.

"I saved your life," I yelled back.

"Fuck you. You're a coward. I will never forgive you for this."

Just as Eric's verbal assault stopped, four armed guards entered through the door at the far end of the hallway. Two immediately went to Zeke's door and the other two came to mine. The doors were unlocked and we were instructed to step out into the hallway.

Eric watched intently. "Wait. What's going on here?"

One of the guards securing Zeke's hands behind his back answered, "These two didn't sign that death contract of yours. They'll be questioned." The guard then turned to Eric and approached his cell, taunting him. "And then, if they cooperate, they'll be released."

He gave Zeke a nudge as they walked toward the exit.

Eric's eyes grew wide. "Tobias. We're brothers. You can't leave me behind."

I had no choice. Eric was borderline insane. He was one of the first to sign up for the new Dauntless and it was his idea that the tattoos be converted to represent our victim's blood instead of a soldier's tears. He liked killing. There was no way he was getting out of here. "I'm sorry, Eric." My eyes fell to the floor as my guards motioned for me to advance.

The Iron Soldier: A FourTris Divergent StoryWhere stories live. Discover now