Chapter 1

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Y/N pov

You were walking along the beach shore while holding someone's hand. You don't know who he was but you feel safe around him. It feels like it's the best day of your entire life. The both of you stop and he lean over to kiss you, but then you open your eyes and realize it was your TEDDY BEAR!

"Ashhi!! jinja!! boyah!! why does it have to ruin my dream *pouting* "

Hello! my name is y/n and I'm a 8th grader going to high school next year. I love doing weird things and act weird in front of my friends and people I know, I lived with my parents and 7 big brother. They're all so lovely and helpful.

I get up from my bed and go to my bathroom or do my morning routine like always. After putting on some makeup I put on my uniform and go down stairs.

 After putting on some makeup I put on my uniform and go down stairs

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"Good morning sweetie" said mom&dad drinking their coffee

"Good morning!" Oh? Where's my breakfast??

"I eat it all" said jimin eating breakfast

"Yah!!why did you eat it all I was so hungry!"yelling at him

"I'm just kidding it's right there," jimin laughing

"Ashhi! I don't like that oppa stop it," walking over to the table

" That's right she hates things like that"Tae said touching the phone

After we're done eating breakfast we left for school

"Yah lets race and see who's the loser, loser buys food for later!," jimin walking in front of us all

"deal!" all of them except you

"Awww too bad I have to go the other way cuz I'm not in high school yet," me pouting

"Awww so sad my little angel is growing up so slow that's why," jhope patting my head

I just smile at him and check my phone to see that it was already 7:20am

"7:20?!,"almost screaming

"What?!!,"everyone looking at you

"OMG!! I needa hurry now see y'all later annyeong oppa!,"you said running off first

"Be careful," jimin yelling at the back

*Lunch time*
"Yah Anah did you finish the song yet?,eating my lunch

"Huh? Oh yeah I finished it," Anah taking the paper out

"Ehh~look who's here," a annoying boy

"Get lost dude,"Mah ji giving death glare

"Woah acting pretty cool huh," annoying boy

"Yah! do you wanna die?! you little b**ch!," Nahli yelling at him

"Woah! easy ok I'm leaving," annoying boy left

"Gezzes what's wrong with those f*ck boys?"me looking at them

"Yah, you guys wanna know something?" shinnin whispering

"What," we all answer curiously

"I.....I like someone,"while blushing

*gasp?!* all

"Who is it?"me in a teasing voice

"Are you ok with it tho?,"shinnin asked me

"Me? Wae? I'm ok now tell us," looking at shinnin

"It's Tae-," shinnin was about to answer but the lunch bell ring and we all get up and go to our last class

Finally it's almost time to go home I was so tired and exhausted from all the running and exercising today.

~after school~
When I got out of the school I saw Jimin, Taehyung,and Jungkook oppa they were all waiting for me outside the school gate, when they saw me that call my name to go over to them and then I hear someone squeaking next to me and I look to see who it was and it was Shinnin.

"Yah, wha-," just then I remember that when shinnin said that she likes someone and she hasn't tell us who it was
"Yah (3x), who was it that you said you like?,"asking her curiously again

"Ah! It was everyone come closer. It was Taehyung," whispering to us all

"ta-tae-Taehyung?!,"Mah ji whisper screaming

" you know him?," me asking

"Of course! Their the most popular boys in SOPA!,"everyone turn looking at me


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