chapter 22

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Jeff took a good look at his brother. There were scars all over his body and some on his face that made him look like he was stitched together with other human's skin. His once blue eyes were now a glowing green, and his hair was as long as Jeff's. Jeff thought that his brother would make a perfect killer, and a good proxy for Slender. Liu walked out of the room just as Lydia came in.

"Jeff, I have had enough of Marissa," she said sternly. "She threw all of my hair color away, broke my nail polish containers, and destroyed my brush! Get her out of here or I'll put her to sleep!"

Jeff looked at his wife with adoring eyes. "Relax my love, she will be getting taken care of. Liu is now aware of what she really is and we have plotted to get rid of her tonight at dinner. As for all of your things, I'll make sure to get you new ones."

Lydia sighed. "Thank you, Jeff. Hey, you know it's almost Christmas, right?"

"Christmas? I remember that. Liu and I used to have snowball fights together."

"We should all go Christmas shopping!"

"Alright dear, we will do that as soon as this is all taken care of."

"I had a wonderful idea. Why don't you and Liu wait to kill her and let her think she has your trust. When she least expects it, finish her off."

Jeff thought about it before calling Liu in to tell him the idea.

Liu nodded. "That's a perfect idea, Lydia"

Lydia smiled at the compliment. "Thank you, Liu, I'm glad you think so."

The three of them sat in the room and talked over their plan for another hour before they all went down for dinner. Liu sat next to Lydia and Jeff while Marissa sat between BEN and Slender.

"Hey baby," said BEN. "Wanna go party up in my room?

Marissa scoffed. "In your dreams you freak."

Jeff and the others scowled, especially Liu. He might be with Marissa, but he always wanted BEN. Their date hadn't gone so well when they went, so nothing came of it. Liu had hoped that one day BEN would change his mind about being with him and things would go back to normal, but sadly, it hadn't happened. No one said a word about Marissa's comment, wanting to stick to the plan. BEN sighed and continued eating along with everyone else. When dinner was over, everyone went up to their rooms. Marissa had left, promising to be back tomorrow afternoon. Liu sat down on his bed and looked out the window, thinking about BEN and wishing he had stood up for him.

As he was thinking, someone knocked on his door, almost too soft to hear. When he opened the door, he was shocked to see BEN standing there with tears in his eyes.

"Liu," he whimpered. "I thought you loved me."

Liu's eyes filled with tears. "BEN, of course I love you."

"Then why are you with her? I'm sorry our date didn't work out I was just so nervous and..."

Before he finished, Liu's lips were on his. BEN was surprised but quickly kissed back. The two kissed for a while before walking over to the bed and laying down next to each other. Their lips met as soon as they were on the bed, neither of them wanting to break the kiss. After a half hour of kissing, BEN fell asleep on Liu's chest, a small smile on his face. Liu smiled and covered the both of them up before falling asleep with BEN in his arms.

When Liu woke up the next day, he saw that it was almost noon. Marissa would be at the house in ten minutes and if she saw him with BEN she wouldn't come back and ruin the plan. He quickly woke up BEN and jumped in the shower. BEN knew what was going on so he didn't say anything. When Marissa got there, she made Liu take her out to a movie and an expensive jewelry store after. When Liu got back home, he wasn't in the best mood and his wallet had gotten lighter. He had been hoping to save up enough money to buy some stuff to help with his killing and training since he was going to become a killer with his brother. Marissa wanted pretty much everything she saw and freaked out when Liu didn't buy her what she wanted. When he had taken her to the store and she screamed at him, he got sympathetic glances from the people around him.

"If this keeps up I'm gonna have to get a day job," said Liu as he kicked off his converse.

Liu looked at his room and decided to make some changes if they were going to be staying there, but he would have to ask Slender first seeing as how it was his house. He walked downstairs and found Slender in his office.

"Hey, Slender, I have a question," he said.

"Of course. What is it, Liu?"

"I was wondering if I could make my room a little"

"That's a great idea. Do you know what you want your room to look like?"

"Yeah, I do. Here's a picture."

Slender looked at the picture and nodded in agreement. "I like this idea, Liu. If you need any help with this, please let me know."

Liu nodded. "Thank you, Slender."

Liu ran upstairs and grabbed his wallet and his black credit card before running to BEN's room.

"Hey, Liu, I thought you were on your date," said BEN.

"The date is over but I'm going to the mortal world to get some stuff for my new room design. Do you wanna come with me?"

"Yeah just let me get changed and I'll meet you downstairs. Why don't you ask Jeff if we could use his car."

Liu nodded and ran to Jeff's room. "Jeff! I need to borrow your car!"

Jeff looked at Liu with curious eyes. "Why the hell do you need my car?"

"I'm going to get things for my new room and BEN is going with me. Please big brother?"

Jeff groaned before handing the keys over to Liu. "I want it back in one piece."

"I promise nothing will happen to it."

Liu walked back downstairs and waited for BEN. Once he was in his human form and ready to go, they walked to Jeff's car and took off to the mortal world. As they drove, Liu reached over and laced his fingers with BEN's, making the both of them blush. Liu smiled, knowing this was going to start something good in the near future.

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