Chapter 5

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Laughing Jack and Natalie spent the next few days trying to help Lydia be happy again, but nothing ever worked. When Lydia told them what had happened, Laughing Jack went into a rage and nearly destroyed everything. Lydia stayed in her room most of the time, thinking of Jeff, wishing he would come and hold her in his arms. She missed the feeling of being in his muscular arms and his lips caressing hers. As she thought about Jeff, Laughing Jack came in to tell her that she would be going to regular school for a while. The boarding school she was going to considered her to be in her eleventh year, and so she would be attending school for two years. Laughing Jack told her to get ready because she would be starting tomorrow. As she got her things ready, she couldn't help but wonder what Jeff would do when he heard that she was gone.

That morning, Lydia walked into the mortal world with her suitcase in hand. She was going to catch the ten o' clock train that would take her to the new school. She held on tightly to the picture that she brought with her, hoping it would give her the strength to get on without a fight. She sat down next to the other girls, who began whispering and pointing at her. Lydia could feel that this was going to be a long two years. When the train finally came, Lydia sadly got on board, wishing Jeff would come take her back home. The train ride was long and Lydia sat alone, looking out the window. When the train finally stopped, Lydia followed the rest of the girls to a large building with ivy growing up the walls.

She was led to a room with a single bed and told that this is where she was staying. The room was small, but big enough to hold her things without being too crowded. She set the picture of her and Jeff on the table next to her bed and smiled a little. She unpacked her bag and laid down on the bed, her head filled with the thought of her beloved killer. Maybe he didn't want her around, or maybe he did. Lydia sighed at the thought; she wanted to hear his voice one more time, to be wrapped in his arms feel wanted and loved again.

One year later...

Lydia was getting ready for the prom; she had just bought her dress, but was sad that she didn't have anyone to go with. As she got dressed, she got a call from the headmaster telling her she had a visitor and that it was important. Lydia was puzzled; she had never gotten a visitor before. When she walked down into the office, a man with long brown hair and a suit was standing there. He turned around and smiled at her. He was breath taking; his eyes were crystal blue and gentle.

"This man claims that you are his fiancée and he is here to escort you to the prom. I believe he said his name was Jeffery," said the headmaster.

Lydia's mouth fell to the ground. She had seen only one picture of Jeff before he became what he is today and she thought he was the most beautiful person on the planet. He looked at her with adoring eyes and held out his hand. She looked at the headmaster and nodded.

"Thank you for calling me; Jeff, shall we go?" asked Lydia happily.

Jeff smiled. "Lead the way, darling."

They walked out of the office and into the gardens where the prom was being held. Everyone turned and looked at them; the guys stared at Lydia while the girls nearly swooned over Jeff. They danced to every song that played, never once leaving each other's arms.

"Jeff, why do you look this way?" asked Lydia.

Jeff looked down at her and smiled. "Slender owed me for fucking everything up. Do you like me this way?"

"You're beautiful just the way you are. I fell in love with you because of how sweet you can be, not what you look like."

Jeff smiled and bent down on one knee. "Lydia, you've made my life worth living. I don't wanna lose you again. Will you...will you marry me?"

Lydia's eyes filled with tears as Jeff pulled out a beautiful ring with a ruby in the shape of a heart. She nodded and smiled as Jeff slid the ring on her finger before kissing her hand softly. The continued to dance the rest of the night, everyone and everything around them vanishing. The only thing that mattered then was their love. When the prom had finished, Jeff walked Lydia up to her room and helped her pack her things. She had graduated school and would be going back with him to the creepy pasta world the next morning. Lydia said one final goodnight to Jeff before going to sleep, glad that she and Jeff were going to be getting married.

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