Chapter fourteen: The battle of Denver

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When the grief stricken girl rose from her spot on Theodore, she held a certain sense of rage that burned just behind her irises, it lit a infinite fire in her green eyes.

" Take his clothes." She ordered Rain, turning her head slightly to glance at him from the corner of her eye.

Quickly he rushed to her order, taking off every belt, pouch, strap, and every holster.

There would be no respect for this fallen man.

In under five minutes, Rain had all of the gear on (except the cape for he would never wear such a thing, he had already betrayed the brotherhood, he would not fly their flag on his shoulder for all to see).

Mercy took the cape and swiftly ripped it in half, tossing it across from her carelessly then swiftly tore the kukri blade from Theodore's stomach, holding it in her mouth before getting down on her knees in front Craig after sitting him up against the wall.

With hatred burning in her veins she carved the assassin symbol into his hairy chest, digging the knife in deep.

When she was done she stood up with the bloody knife still in her hand she drew her foot back and kicked the body so it was lying on the ground, chest up, then she spat on the body's forehead before turning to Rain.

" Where is the armory? We need weapons and I need clothes if we're gonna break out."


" Jesus Christ, was it the goal to make it a goddamn maze in this base?" Coraline groaned, clutching her side in pain but refusing Rain's help, " I need to do this myself" she had snapped at him when they had left the cell.

Leaving behind Theodore and Craig's bodies, but Coraline was still holding the blade, the black handle dug into her palm but it distracted her from her pain.

Both mentally and physically.

" Maybe, turn left and then up the stairs."

Rain had tried to console the girl but she would have none of it, this was her suffering and she would bare it alone, this was punishment in her eyes, whatever she had done to deserve this had caught up to her.

Turning left she was met with a flight of steep stairs. " Any guards?" Coraline whispered to Rain. " Nothing to worry about, I drugged them a couple hours ago before Craig came and got you." He shrugged as he walked past her, brushing his shoulder with hers.

" Clever." Coraline murmured before following him up, each step though causing the girl to hiss in pain.

The room surrounded the staircase was plain and basic. Aligning each wall were desks, each one with computers that showed camera view of each cell. Slumped in the chairs front of the desks were the drugged guards, their bodies limp like they were sleeping, one was even snoring.

On the wall opposite of the staircase was a large sliding door, it was metal and you had to glide a passkey across the key pad on the left side of the door to get out.

" The armory is on the second level, there is guards on every staircase and guarding the door to it, Craig had two stun bombs on him so we can take out the armory guards with those and deal with the others by hand." Rain informed Mercy when she limped to the top.

" Alright, lead the way, Rain." She waved her hand with a nod. " By the way, that's my last name, my first is Anthro." He turned to his head to look at her with a lop sided grin.

" Coraline Padme Butcher, or Mercy but I prefer you not call me by that. Coraline or Padme." She mumbled looking around at the drugged guards before she turned back to Rain. " We need to hurry." She rushed with her eyebrows creased.

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