Chapter four: Resurrection Z

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" Hundred yards out, if you miss, you owe me whatever I choose." 10k said and pointed at Z you could just barely see that was standing in a field. " Oh and one other thing. I'm gonna distract you while you do it." He added with a smirk.

" Oh you asshole." I groaned and stepped forward with my gun raised but 10k stepped forward so his breath tickled my neck.

10k and I were having a shooting competition, if I missed I owed 10k, if he missed he owed me. I was going first. If I lost, he won, no questions asked.

" I want you by my side

So that I never feel alone again

Theyve always been so kind

But now theyve brought you away from here

I hope they didnt get your mind

Your heart is too strong anyway

We need to fetch back the time

They have stolen from us." He sang softly into my ear that wasn't by my gun, I felt his chest against my back.

I tried to focus but his voice was very distracting, not to mention his chest was touching my back and that was making my breaths uneven which made my weapon shake. The Z's head was in my cross hairs but then 10k started to sing again just as I took the shot.

" And I want you

We can bring it on the floor

Youve never danced like this before

We dont talk about it

Dancin' on do the boogie all night long

Stoned in paradise, shouldnt talk about it. "

The bullet was way off course, so off course it didn't even phase the Z.

" Godamnit!" I groaned and stepped forward, turning on my heel, glaring at 10k who was laughing his ass off.

"Ugh, what do you want?" I sighed. He raised his gun and shot the Z. " I dunno, Mercy, what do I want?" He winked at me playfully.

" Oh my god, no!" I cried, blushing like a tomato, I covered my face. " Haha, kidding! I'll get back to you on what I want though, I didn't think you would miss." He confessed.

" If he goes zombie, we might have to put him down.." Warren said to Garnett but the whole group heard it while they watched Murphy pee. Which was really creepy.

" Dibs on piking him." 10k called out as he walked back towards the group. 10k hated Murphy, I did too. Murphy was a real jackass. " Damnit, I wanted too." I fake whined, bending my knees like a little kid would.

" You can shoot him the second time. Promise." 10k smiled sweetly at me. I snorted and in my side vison I caught sight of a Z coming towards us, Warren saw it but before she could even raise her gun I had already shot it with out even looking at it with my pistol.

" How did you even miss a hundred yards honestly?" Mack breathed. " That shithead is very distracting." I nodded my head at 10k. " I can be very distracting when I need too." 10k winked at me.

" Jerk." I muttered and crossed my arms.


" Mercy, do you have any food in your pack?" Murphy asked more like demanded, me.

I opened it only to see herbs, weapons and other non edible things.

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