Chapter nine: Betrayal

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Shout, shout, let it all out
These are the things I can do without
Come on, I'm talking to you, come on


Mercy sat in the middle of a room, completely alone, the truth settling in slowly.

What have I done?

Her hands in front of her limply with her knees spread apart with her head bowed.

What have I done?

Her usually soft hands were now rough and red with blood that did not belong to her.

What have I done?

" What did you do, Padme?" Theodore's voice rang in her ears.

" Cora, we trusted you." Lyra cried.

" We trusted you to find us! Why couldn't you save us?" Theodore roared.

" I tried! I didn't know- I didn't know you were in danger!" Mercy's head snapped up as traitor tears slipped out of her green eyes.

" You felt it but you ignored it, it's happening, Cora!" Lyra cried as a foreign noise filled Mercy's ears. The sound, it burned like fire but it was smoother than ice, it made the confused girl flinch back in a fearful sorrow.

" I'm sorry!" Mercy cried just as something pushed her down and the scenery changed from a room to a snow covered forest. Mercy had never seen snow, just grass. Where she lived in Ireland, it never snowed, never got to cold that you had to wear heavy winter clothing, it was rare to even see snow boots in the shops that lined the streets. If you did see them, they would only sit there for months on end if no body took them off the shelf to return them back to the maker.

The cold burned her skin, turning it red as it bit and kissed her lips like a missed hungry lover.

" Why?" Whispered a man dressed in all black all though the voice was robotic, it was familiar, calm, kind and eerie but never the less familiar. " You did nothing wrong, sweetheart." The man whispered again, this time a hint of a smile could be heard in his voice even though Mercy couldn't see it, she knew that he must be smiling, even if just a little bit. He stepped forward from the shadow of a heavy set tree, She could see now he had a mask, a helmet would be a better description for it though. It was black as well, covering his whole head, Mercy couldn't even see his eyes. She would admit to only herself, it was more than a little unsettling. " Don't be afraid of me." The man dropped his weapon, which was something that looked like a sword but it was made of flames, one long that was vertical while two others by the hilt shot out horizontal. The weapon's controlled fire was a cherry red, it was almost perfect, almost beautiful but it looked broken. " Who are you?" Her voice was shaken, she was in that in between of terrified and relaxed where all her body could manage was speaking and shaking. " I don't think that's important, besides if I told you, you would surely hate me or fear me, maybe even both." He shrugged before he finished the walk towards Mercy, but just when he got to her, he fell to his knees in front of her, looking around in alarm when he heard a loud noise, it rang in their ears together. " Stay here, I'll come back for you!" His tone was now rushed, no longer calm but still kind. " I'll come back for you, sweetheart, I promise." But Mercy didn't want him to go, she wanted to know who he was. " All in due time, sweetheart." The man than disappeared, his body turning to a grey smoke that drifted away into the air, causing Mercy to rush her hands forward to touch him before he left but her hands only touched cold smoke.

After Mercy had attacked Cassandra, she had ran to the forest where she hid, clutching her head as waves of white hot pain rolled over her, at one point, Mercy had screamed. She didn't know what was wrong, it had been months since she had last been bit by a z so it wasn't that. For a while she had thought that maybe it was a virus, but that wouldn't explain the outburst.

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