Chapter five: Welcome to the FU-Bar

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It had been four very long days since Charles Garnett, our leader, had bit the dirt. And in that time my split knuckles had healed but only a little. I just got a back a couple layers of skin on the bones. Also, Warren our new leader, was out, she was grieving the death of a her lover. For some odd reason, Doc and the rest, looked to me to make important decisions. I was the only one besides 10k and Murphy who wasn't clouded by grief. Nobody trusted Murphy to lead because he would only think of himself.

Selfish bastard.

" Radiator?" Mack spoke to 10k who was looking at the engine which was smoking heavily. " Yeah." He muttered while he crawled under the truck. " We need a new truck." I mumbled, tearing off my leather jacket and waving it over the smoke to maybe clear it out.

" No shit." Murphy grumbled. I glared at him. " You know what else we need? A real mechanic, do bad we don't have one." He added. " I can fix it! Just give me a minute." 10k shouted out from under the truck. I chuckled, shaking my head while Murphy glared.

" You got to let her deal, man." Doc leaned against the truck. " She's got that post-traumatic stress." Doc added.

" She's got post-traumatic stress? The whole world's got post-traumatic stress. Actually there isn't anything post about it. We all got plain ol' present tense, all traumatic, all stress all the time. What makes her so special?" Murphy growled and walked over to Warren who was practically comatose in the back seat.

" Murphy." I growled and stood up straight, blocking his way, he shoved past me, knocking my shoulder with his.

" All right, Addy and I will scout up ahead. See if we can get some help." Mack nodded and started to walk towards the bike him and Addy found. " We will? " Addy asked confused. " Yeah." Mack nodded again.

" Yeah, I dunno, guys. I think we should stick together." Doc looked at me for assistance. " I agree with Doc, splitting up is not smart. We've already lost Garnett." I agreed and shoved my hands in my front pockets. " No, Doc, Mercy. Don't worry we'll be fine. We're just gonna scout ahead and circle back around and find you. I mean it's not like you're getting far in the truck. " Mack shrugged and climbed onto his bike.

"Come on, Addy." He called. Addy looked at me before she jogged over and pressed her cheek against mine. " Please make sure nobody else gets killed. I trust you." She whispered in my ear very quietly. " I will, you come back, kay?" I pulled away, nodding. She nodded before jogging over to Mack and then they were gone.

I took a deep breath and turned to Doc who fidgeted worryingly. " I found the leak in the radiator hose. Taped it up a little bit, but we're not going anywhere unless we get some water in there." 10k popped out from under the truck, brushing himself off.

I tossed Doc my water bottle while Cassandra gathered the rest of the water the group had.

" I get thirsty." Murphy gasped when Doc tried to take the bottle out of his hand. " We all get thirsty." I snapped and ripped the bottle out of his hands, pouring it into the container that 10k fixed.

" I'll drive." 10k grinned and hopped into the driver seat. " Knock yourself out kid." Doc opened the passenger door and jumped in but not before letting me into the middle seat.

10k stepped on the gas pedal and the truck shot forward. " Whoa! Whoa! Easy there, kid! Easy! Who taught you how to drive?" Doc grunted. " Ahhh, no one." He looked at me then Doc.

I swallowed and leaned back fro Doc to teach him. " Hands on the ten and the two. And easy on the gas." He instructed. " Do you know how to drive, Mercy?"

" Kinda, but In Ireland we drive on the left lane. The driver is also where your sitting, Doc." I nodded. " Okay, you pay attention too then."

" Go right." I asked 10k. " Why right?" Doc looked at me. " Why not?" I shrugged and 10k swerved to the right.

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