Last Straw

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This is getting way out of hand. I thought when I initially revealed Fred, my reassurance that he was harmless would keep some furs from freaking out! I guess not, seeing that they're protesting about him being outside and trying to send him back to the OSI building. Sometimes I actually hate furry kind because of how hypocritical it is. We live in a world with different mammals and some even fall in love and get married, but when a whole new creature shows up all hell breaks loose!

I really feel bad for Fred about this. I understood how he felt about the idea of him being revealed, but he couldn't be kept a secret if he was going to stay here for a long time. We still haven't found a way to activate the Orbis Tablet, which further supports my reasoning for revealing him. Plus, keeping him inside would be as if he were a mental patient: not fit to be interacted with by outsiders. Does he fit that? No. Do I believe he deserves the controversy? Not on the point that it's reached.

I just hope that he isn't driven to do something regretful...


Fred POV

I had to think long and hard about what I'm about to do. I had to weigh everything that would happen and everyone that I've met. All that has happened up until now has been beyond my control and through the choices of others. Putting that aside, it was my initial choice of touching the tablet that brought me here and caused all of this. In other words, this is my fault. I know Jack or Lex would say something like "it was out of your hands", but it was. If I hadn't followed the sound and touched that stupid tablet in the first place, none of this would be happening!

The protesters said I didn't belong with them, so I might as well take my leave.

Where would I go? I don't know, to be honest. Jack was kind enough to put a roof over my head, despite it being C's idea. Knowing him, the bear would automatically stop me if he caught me packing my things. I'm just lucky he's not up right now, seeing as it's past midnight. I didn't have much other than the clothes he bought me and a bag to hold it all in. I know I'm taking a very big risk with this, but with all the craziness I'm causing it's better this way.

I know they won't like it, and I don't expect them to. This is my choice and mine alone. If I was the one who started this whole shebang, I'm gonna be the one to stop it. I left a letter for Jack, thanking him and the others for everything they've done for me up until now. To not do so would be an insult in my opinion. I was sad, yes, but it had to be done. It didn't matter what happened to me, just so long as the ones I burdened were freed from the chaos I caused.

    I tried to take the bear's advice, I truly did. The problem is that I'm so vulnerable. Lex was right to call me fragile back when he pulled Hector out of the interrogation room. The sheer fact that I was able to last this long is a mystery! Whatever, none of that matters right now..and from this moment, not ever. After sneaking out a window and through the yard, I made my way down the street towards the bustling light that broke the darkness.

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