"Sure. Of course we can, they're right this way." I say, showing him the heel wall. He picked them out and I went to the back to get the bag and shoes.

When I came back, Sylvia took them out of my hand and told me she would check him out. That was rude as hell, but I just smiled and said ok. Even though I wanted to cuss her ass out, I don't because I can't get fired when I just started.

As customers came in and out, I got the hang of it and I was actually enjoying it. Which made the day seem like it was going by fast.

"Hey, when do you clock out?" Brandy the blonde I met the first time I came, said.

"Um in about 3o minutes, you?"

"I have to lock up." She said rolling her eyes, I laughed and shook my head.

"Aww man, have fun with that." I said walking around making sure things were straight before I clocked out.

"Yea right, so I was wond--" she started, but got cut off by someone interrupting.

"Hey Jada."

I turned around and was slightly confused on who I saw. It was Ashley. I haven't seen her since that night at her apartment.

"How are you?" She asked.

"I'm well. What are you doing here?" I asked getting straight to the point. I don't need her coming in my life and starting drama. Things are going good for me right now.

"I was doing a little shopping and I saw you. So I just thought I'd come and say hi to my friend." She said smiled touching my shoulder.

She was so calm and I wasn't really use to that. It was weird. She wasn't acting like her normal crazy self. She was being normal?

I slightly moved my shoulder, making her hand fall.

"Oh ok." Was all I said and it was an awkward silence.

"Um, I'll just be over there." Brandy said looking between both of use, then walking away.

"So...ho--" She started to say something, but I was starting to walk away as well.

"Never mind. I'll just go. It was nice seeing you." She said turnings towards the exit. She looked so sad and I kind of felt bad. Everyone deserves a second chance, shit Alivia gave me one hundred chances and I still fuck up. I shouldn't have been that rude to her...

"Ashley! Wait." I said jogging after her. She turned around with the same expression and I felt worst. For some reason I thought she was going to do some crazy shit like start smiling or laughing or some shit. I was wrong though.

"Ashley look, I'm sorry to be like that, but you have to understand why though." I say.

"Yea I do, but I've changed! And you didn't even give me a chance to show that.... I've gotten help and I'm actually on meds now.... I'm single and I'm just getting my life on track." She said happily, like she was relieved.

"Well, I'm happy for you Ash and maybe one day we can actually be, um friends." I said and she smiled and hugged me really tight. Yup still the same Ashley...

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