Entry Thirty-Four

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Dear Julius,

Happy Valentine's Day! I may not be the best with relationships or dating, but I did try!

I sent out cards to every single state! But I did send some cards specially special to those special ones~!

I sent New York a poem and a box of chocolates and a full Key Lime pie! I really hope she'll like them...!

Next, I sent Amara and Francis a cheesy Valentine's Day card with a gift card so they can buy some clothes for their baby~

Next... My memory is a bit hazy from exactly what I got for EVERY state, but I did send Georgia a full basket of oranges~ I know he'll love it, haha...

Anyways, I haven't checked for my Valentine's Day things just because work has been so rough on me recently.. they're installing a new program in my state and I'm so tired from it. I just want to sleep. •yawns slightly• Well, even if I never get anything, it's always better to give than to receive~!

Hm, I should probably go ahead and check now.

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