Entry Fifteen

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Dear Julius,

Gah, there is so much dust on this! Heh, sorry, I've been busy with Floridian stuff at the moment. I actually miss how much fun it was writing in you. You're so nice, seriously.

Ooh! Amara is calling for dinner! I'll be right back!

The scribbled writing of Chris soon ended, and there appeared to be some ink smear. Strangely, there was a much neater and cursive writing that continued.

Julius? What a stupid name. I finally found this twerp's journal after successfully sneaking in. I've been tryin' to figure out what he is planning to do, so hopefully I can decipher his every move. 

Hmmm... I see there are many scrapped pages that he hasn't added to the journal yet. What in the world could he have to hide?

Hah! I knew it. There's a girl's name here, though I can't read it because his writing is so damn messy, and he is swoonin' over her.

This is great! I know how to ruin him now. I can either tell him how much he likes that girl... OR I could tell her how much he hates her.

Good luck, my 1p!...

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