Entry Four

235 16 44

Dear Julius,

Why must Mr.England believe every legend he hears?

Apparently something happened at the last world meeting, but I wasn't there to see it because Mr.America never allows me to come... Anyways, I think papa Spain started boasting again. Or, at least I think?

Papa told Mr.England about my Fountain of Youth, and now Mr.England won't go away. He insists that he would find it, but I keep trying to tell him it was just a trick I used to attract tourists. Why won't he leave me alone?!

Not to mention, he started yelling and screaming in joy that he had found the Fountain. And do you know what he had found? A public drinking water fountain.

I am really worried about his mental health.
...Next you know Mr.England will be asking me about Bigfoot and the Nessy.

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